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Kirstie and Matt are currently preparing an after-school snack for their 12 year old daughter, Olivia.Her best friend Emma and her mom we're taking her home from school today since Matt and Kirstie has rehearsals for their upcoming summer tour.

"Where's Olivia?She should be home by now."Kirstie days as she glanced at the clock.Matt just shrugs and placed a small bowl of green grapes on the island.

On cue,the front door of their suburb home swings open.Moments later Olivia run into the living room,with tears in her eyes,and flops on the couch.The couch cushions absorbed her tears.

"Livy?Honey?Are you home?"Kirstie asked walking into the living room.Her her heart instantly breaks as she sees Olivia wallow in sadness.

Kirstie immediately rushes over to her and scoops her into her arms.Olivia cries hard into her chest,catching Matt's attention.He rushes next to the two and wraps his arms around the both of them.Kirstie rocks her daughter back and forth,whispering soothing words into the little girl's ears.

Olivia is a sensitive kid.That's how they wanted her to be.However, she's a tough cookie and hardly ever cries.So they knew something was definitely wrong.

"Livy?Baby?What's the matter?"Kirstie asked concerned,as she wiped the fresh tears away.

"Oh mommy it was horrible!"she sobs,trembling a little."To-to-day a-at scho-ool,"She hyperventilates.

"Hey it's ok.Take deep breaths baby.Take your time,"Matt reassures her.It takes her a few minutes,but she finally managed to pull herself together.

"Today at school,after athletics,I set my clothes and towel on the bench next to the shower I was using."She pauses as she becomes overwhelmed with the memory.Her parents already knew what this was leading to.

"Once I was done, I went to dry off and my clothes were gone;including my gym clothes.I put on my towel and went out to the lockers and my friend Vanessa and two other 8th graders were holding my clothes."she choked up on her own words and Kirstie held her tighter as she sobbed into her chest.

She looked at Matt,not knowing what to say.Middle school is hard.The work is demanding and the kids are cruel.Plus being in sixth grade,adjusting to a new school is hard.

"I asked them nicely to give them back to me but they just laughed,said mean things and ran out of the locker room.All of the other girls were laughing and taking pictures of me.Not even thinking I ran after them and the boys were warming up."she said.

"What did they say Liv?"Kirstie asked."They said I was the biggest nobody in the school and they called me the "b" word."

"Oh honey.Did the girls get in trouble?"Matt asked.

"Not really.The coaches were chuckling at me too.They made the girls give me my clothes back and gave them detention.After I ran away Emma punched Vanessa in the nose and got in school suspension for 3 days."Olivia sniffled,the last comment making the adults chuckle.

The two have always loved Emma.She has a bold, fiery personality but she had one of the biggest hearts.They've barely heard about Vanessa but Olivia has always claimed her as a friend.They also knew she was in 6th grade as well and seemed like a nice girl.However sounds like Vanessa is untrustworthy

"Olivia you know she's not your friend right?She's a bully.Friends don't do purposely hurt each other's feelings.Bullies do this because they're insecure and jealous."Matt says softly.

"I just thought she was.She was super nice to me,but ever since she started hanging out with the 8th graders,she's changed."Olivia says,twiddling her thumbs.

"I'm so sorry baby girl.But you know what?You're so much better than Vanessa and her 8th grade friends.She's just jealous of you because you're gorgeous,kind,strong and amazing.Don't let her knock you down.What do we always remind you?"Kirstie asked.

"To get back up."

"That's right.Now tomorrow when you see them tomorrow you keep your chin held high and don't let them win.Mommy and I are going to report the incident and see what the principle will do.The coaches or those girls shouldn't get away with this behavior."Matt says.

"Thanks daddy.I love you,"Olivia shifts into Matt's lap and snuggles into his chest."I love you too Livy bug,".

Her soft sobs filled the quiet room.The parents occasionally let out a sad sigh,feeling terrible.It was devastating seeing their daughter,and they felt hopeless that they couldn't protect Olivia from hate.

"Mommy?Why does it hurt so much?I mean Vanessa and I were becoming really good friends and then this happened.Did I do something wrong?"she asked,looking up from Matt's t-shirt which had a small wet spot from her tears.

"You didn't do anything wrong Olivia.It's just when people branch out to other crowds,they can change.Vanessa is probably has something going on in her life right that's really difficult,and this is the only way to get release her anger ,"Kirstie said rubbing her back.

"Why doesn't she just tell someone how she feels?That's what you guys always tell me to do when I'm sad,"Olivia asked quirking her eyebrow.

"She probably just feels scared to express her feelings.She might feel judged or feels that no one will relate to her.Also she might not know who to go to."Matt reassures her.Olivia inhales a shaky breath and wipes her tears away.

"Are you ok Olivia?"Matt asked her."Yeah I think so,"Olivia says hopping off of his lap.

"Are you sure?"Kirstie asked concerned.All Olivia could do was nod her head with a sad smile.

"Ok.Well why don't you finish up your homework and then we can have a movie night right after."Kirstie suggest hoping to cheer her up.

"Ok.That sound fun!"Olivia exclaims and races up to her room to get her homework done.

Matt looks at Kirstie and notices her eyes watering.Matt sighs and wraps his loving arms around her waist,as she silently cries into his chest.

"Baby it's ok.We knew we would have to deal with this someday."Matt states,kissing her forehead.

"I know.It just kills me to see her go through that.I mean who would purposely humiliate a scared 6th grader like that?"Kirstie chokes out,wiping her tears away.

"I know babe.Kids can be cruel and we can't protect her from that.All we can do is support,cherish and love the person she is."

Kirstie sighs and unravels from his arms.She wipes her tears away and looks down at her feet."I know.It just sucks,"she mumbles.

"Hey.Look at me,"Matt pauses as he reaches under her chin and forces her eyes to meet his."She's a strong and beautiful young lady.She learned that from you,"Kirstie chuckles at his comment.

"She'll be fine.Plus we're going to report this first thing tomorrow morning.All of this will be resolved and she won't have to go through this ever again."Matt says.

"I hope so or else I'll kick those 8th graders little asses,"Kirstie growls causing Matt to laugh."That's why I love you baby,"

"I love you too Matty,"Kirstie says as they shared a kiss.

After about an hour,Olivia announces that she finished all of her homework.So Matt drove Olivia to the 7-11 around the corner and they bought some snacks for their movie night!Kirstie order pizza while they were away and made the couch all cozy with pillows and blankets.

Once they got back Olivia picked out her favorite movie 'Bride Wars' for them to watch.After a few movies later all three of them were knocked out on the couch.

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