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"Daddy!"Their five year old daughter,Annabella wailed out.She tugged at his oversized white t-shirt,trying to yank him awake.

Matt woke up groggily.He squinted and rubbed his eyes,trying to focus on the petrified child.He noticed tears running down her flushed cheeks.Her eyes were red and puffy and snot started to peek out of her nose.She clenched her favorite stuffed piglet and her baby blanket to her chest.

Matt immediately scooped her up into his loving arms and rocked her back and forth;trying to console the child.She clung onto his broad,muscular shoulders,and cried into his chest.

"Bella,baby?What's wrong?"He whispers,trying not to wake up Kirstie;who was snoring away.

"I-I had a nightmare again daddy!"She hyperventilates,trying to catch her breath.

He whispers comforting words into her ears as he brushes her gorgeous brown locks out of her face.He did the best he could trying to calm her down,and carried her back to her princess room.He sets her back under the covers and tucks her in.

"Do you want to tell daddy what happened?"He asked,looking down at his little princess.

"mommy,you and me were at the park playing.Then a scary clown took mommy and you away from me.Then I was alone and I couldn't find you guys,"she says,starting to cry harder this time.

"Oh baby.I'm so sorry that the clown took us away from you.But I promise mommy and daddy will always be with you.We love you so much,"Matt coos,rubbing her arm.

"But what about when sissy gets here?Will she take you guys away from me too?"She asked worried,not wanting to know the answer.

She didn't want anything to change.Her two brothers,her mommy and daddy were enough.Now that she said that,now Matt realized how she's feeling about this whole pregnancy.

"Now that explains all of the nightmares she has been having,"he thinks to himself.

"Hey baby?Im going to go-"

"No!"She wails,grabbing his wrist tightly.

"I'm going to go grab mommy ok?I promise I'll be back.Plus you have your piggy to keep you company!"

"Pwomise?"She asked lifting her pinkie.

Matt chuckles and wrapped his around hers.

"I promise princess,"He says kissing her cheek and leaving the room.

He dashed back to his room and sat back on his side of the bed.She leaned over and started to gently shake Kirstie awake.

"Ah...what?she groans tiredly,rubbing her eyes.

Matt couldn't tell if she was annoyed or hormonal but this serious and she needed her help.

"Baby,come on.This is serious,"

"If this about the damn baby monitors I swear to God Matt,"she snarks,trying to sit up with her abnormally large bump.

"It's not about that.But I do think we should consider-"he pauses at the sight of Kirstie giving him the face that always shuts him up.

"Anyways,I know why Annabella has been having nightmares these past few nights,"

"Oh that explains waking up with her pig in my mouth,"she says in realization.

Matt chuckles and continues.

"She thinks we're not going to love her as much when the baby comes along."

"Aww baby.Lets go talk to her,"Kirstie says,

Matt carefully guided Kirstie off of the bed and out of the bedroom.They strolled down the hall to the pink princess room- though her bed sheets were tossed and it was vacant.

Matt dashed over to the windows,in case if someone had broken in, but they were sealed shut like before.The 2 ran to the kids bathroom,but no one was there.Both of their minds filled with concern.Where was their baby girl?

Then Matt heard small sniffles and whimpers coming from the nursery.He stood in the doorway and sees Annabella standing over the white crib. She had more tears in her eyes than before,and she held her piggy to her chest.

Matt immediately scooped her up and yelled,"Kirst,were in the nursery,"

He turned on the butterfly lamp,and sat in the rocking chair with his daughter in his lap.She cried into his chest,as she pat her bottom.That always calmed her down when she was an infant,and it still works now.

"Annabella!Dont scare hide like that.It makes daddy nervous!"he laughs.His throat was still dry and felt like he was being constricted.

"I'm sorry daddy,"she says sadly,as her father gently wiped the tears away.

Then kirstie waddles into the room and sits in the chair right next to theirs.

"Annabella Noel Salle!You know how to scare us half to death!"She exclaims and Sabine snickers.

The 3 sat in comfortable silence,Annabella cuddled up next to Matt and Kirstie running her fingers through the toddlers tangled bed hair.

"Daddy?When sissy comes,will I have to share all of my toys?"She asked."Even piggy?"

"No sweetheart.All of those are yours!Piggy is all yours,"He said,kissing her forehead.

Sabine turns her head to look at her mommy.

"Mommy?Do you still love me?"She asked concerned.

"Oh Annabella.Daddy and I will always love you.When sissy comes along,we will love just as much.Nothing will ever stop us from loving you.Thats why Daddy and I were so worried when we didn't see you in bed." Kirstie says.
"You nearly stopped daddy's heart,"Kirstie jokes,and Annabella laughs looking up at her dad.

"But your hearts going right?"Annabella yawned.

"Yes baby.My heart is going,"Matt laughs quietly.

Annabella yawns again and closes her eyes.

"I love you mommy and daddy,"She yawns and drifts off to sleep.

The parents sit their for a second, to admire their precious angel and to make sure she's fully asleep.Once they both hear soft snores,they stand up and leave the nursery.
They tucked Annabella in to bed,and gave her kisses.

They left her room and went into their bedroom.Matt wrapped his arm protectively around his wife's bump as she tucked her head in his neck.Not only was he protecting his 3 kids from their nightmares,it will soon be 4.

And no matter how intense they can be,he always knew that he could be their to chase the nightmares away.

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