Gender Reveal Gone Wrong

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Kirstie and Matt was super excited about this afternoon.Today they were revealing the gender of their fourth child to their 3 children;Alyssa who's 10,Jonah who's 8 and Emma who's 5.

Earlier that morning the two went to the doctors and figured out the gender themselves.They were over the moon excited about what they were having!Kirstie was at the house setting up the reveal,while Matt picked up their children from school.

"Hey kids how was your day?"Matt asked happily as his bundles of joy filed into the car.

"Good,"they all sang,buckling their seat belts.

Matt drove them home as the kids shared their day.Once they got home,they greeted their mom who was in the kitchen setting up the reveal.

"Hi mommy!"All three exclaimed,exchanging hugs and kisses with Kirstie.

"Hi babies.How was your day?"she asked.

"Good.I played basketball at recess today!"Jonah says.

"I got a 97 on my science test!"Alyssa says,showing her test.

"Henry,Molly and I played house today during play time!"Emma cheers jumping up and down;her pigtails bouncing.

"Well that's awesome you guys,"Kirstie says giving them all a hug.

Before the kids walked off to wherever they intended to go Matt stopped them.

"Hey guys!Come back!We have a surprise for you."Matt says and they all looked confused.

"A surprise?"Alyssa asked quirking her eyebrow.

"Yeah.Why don't you guys hop up on the counter for a second?"Kirstie says,and the kids do as they're told.

Matt set her on the counter top because she was too small to climb up their.While Matt got his phone out to record this special moment,Kirstie sets a shoe box with a lid in front of the kids.

"New shoes?"Jonah asked as his face lit up with excitement.

"No bud."Kirstie chuckled.

"Ok.While you three were at school today,mommy and I went to the doctors and they told us the gender of the baby."Matt says earning 2 gasp from the older children.

Emma didn't really understand what was going on so she just smiled widely.

"Really?What are we having?"Alyssa asked.You could tell she was super excited.She trembled a little because of the adrenaline and her face was turning red.

"Well we're going to find out.But before we do we want to know what you guys want the gender to be,"Matt says and walks over to the three."What do you want it to be Jonah?"Matt asked putting the camera in front of his face.

"A baby brother,"

"Ok what about you Emma?"Matt asked moving over to Emma.

"A baby sister,"

"And you Alyssa?"

"I don't really care,"she says.

"Alright cool!So if their is a Barbie doll in the box,then that means it's a girl.If their is a Star Wars guy in the box then that means its a boy,"Kirstie exclaims while she gets out her phone and starts recording.

"I want a girl!"Emma exclaims,shooting her hands up in the air.

"Alright go ahead!"Kirstie exclaims excitedly.With that the kids ripped open the box;which contained colorful tissue paper.

The 3 threw the paper behind them in a frantic state.They have been waiting for this for a long time and they finally get to figure out if their new sibling is a boy or girl.

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