Kindergarten Boyfriend

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"Alright sweetie.Here we are!"Angelica exclaims contently,parking in front of the small suburb elementary school.

It was the first day of Kindergarten for Kirstie Maldonado and she was extremely nervous for many reasons.She didn't have any friends,except for her dog Lilly,and she didn't like it when her mom left her.

Kirstie clutched her teddy bear to her chest as they hopped out of the car and walked into the school together;hand in hand.They walked down the never ending hallway of doors and teachers awaiting for their new students.

Angelica stopped at classroom 201 and was greeted by her teacher,Mrs.Murphy.Her blonde hair was in tight curls and she had big blue eyes.

"Hi sweetheart!Welcome to kindergarten.I'm Mrs.Murphy.Whats your name?"the jolly middle aged women asked.

Kirstie was too shy to say anything,so she hid her face in her mom's leg.

"This shy bug is Kirstin Maldonado,but she likes to be called Kirstie."her mom introduces.

"Well hi Kirstie,I'm so happy that you're in my class!So just go inside and find the desk that has her name tag on it."

"Thank you dear,"Angelica says and walks into the colorful,vibrant class room.

Kirstie's new classmates were already playing with toys,saying goodbye to their parents and finding new friends.While Kirstie's mom was finding her desk,kirstie scanned her surroundings;settling into the environment that she was going to be in for the rest of the year.

She began to whimper,trying to keep her composure as her mom finally found her desk.

"Here it is!Look Kirstie,"she says pointing at her desk.

Kirstie slides in the seat as Angelica kneels down beside her.

Angelica helps her get situated by unpacking her brand new Powerpuff Girl themed backpack.She helped put her school supplies in her desk.

"Alright Kirstie.You're all ready baby girl,"she pauses to stand up, and collect her belonging.

"Mommy has to go to work now—

"Momma!"Kirstie says anxiously,shooting out of her chair and clinging onto her leg.

She allows the tears to fall as she sobs into her moms pant leg.

"Oh baby.Don't cry I'll be back in a little bit.I promise,"she whispers sadly,as she picked up her daughter and held her close.

In that moment,Angelica felt hopeless.She knew she couldn't take Kirstie with her,but she felt guilty leaving her.Kirstie looked up from her moms neck and sniffles.Angelica wiped her tears away and set her back down.

"Hey look!"Angelica exclaims, pinching the bear up and heading it to her daughter.

"Cuddles can keep you company!"

A small smile grows on Kirstie's face she squeezes her bear close.Angelica sighs sadly and gives her daughter one more embrace.

"Alright class,come sit down on the circle rug and let's begin today's lesson."Miss.Murphy chimes,walking over to carpet.

As the kids began to gather on the carpet,Kirstie looked petrified.

"It's ok Kirstie.Go join the class.I promise mommy will be back in a little bit."She says.

Kirstie shares one more quick hug and trudges over to the circle rug.She sat cross cross applesauce with her bear in her lap.As Miss.Murphy started to talk,Kirstie looked behind her to see if her mom was their.But all she saw was an empty doorway,and she was all alone.

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