§ Midnight §

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"Me? Dance with you?" Masahiro questioned, not believing that actual Prince Kousuke was asking him to a dance, let alone taking to him.
"If you would do me the honor." He slightly chuckled at the boy. Trying to show off his most dazzling smile.
"Umm, yes! Of course! I would love to!" Masahiro numbly took his hand and was led out onto the dance floor.
If they hadn't noticed the Prince before they sure had now.
Everyone's attention went to the Prince and his partner. They were all whispering and gossiping about him, wondering who he was.
"Who is that? Why is he out there dancing with my Prince?" Andy fumed.
"I'm not sure who that is Andy. But they look familiar for some reason..."
Kousuke didn't seem phased by everyone's words he could blatantly hear. But the the boy opposite him obviously was a different case.
"It's okay don't mind them. Their just jealous that their not as beautiful you."
Masahiro felt himself turn red at the compliment.
"Th- thank you..." He slightly hid his blushing face Kousuke's chest.
He smiled as the music began and everyone took their places.
Kousuke guided Masahiro through their first dance together.
Soon Masahiro got the hang of it though and they glided though the dance floor.
He lost count of time as he danced. He forgot about everyone and everything, except for Prince Kousuke, as the music carried him.
They would have danced all night long if not for sudden chiming of a grandfather clock.
Masahiro stopped as soon as he heard it.
"I have to leave by midnight!"
"Are you alright?" Kousuke asked.
"I'm- I'm sorry I have to go." He said quietly and lowered his head.
"What? Why so soon?"
"I had an amazing night with you but- but I have to-" He was cut off by another chime.
His eyes widened as he realized he was running out of time.
Masahiro turned and sprinted towards the entrance doors. The guards opened the doors and let him pass, but the Prince wasn't giving up that easily.
He ran after the boy out to the grand staircase.
Kousuke looked around frantically for the boy and spotted him half way down the steps.
Masahiro tried as hard as he could to get down the steps fast. His head though, was a jumble of things and he ended up tripping, losing a shoe in the process.
"Please wait!" He heard the Prince yell.
He paused for a moment.
"He won't like the real me I know that, the real me isn't good enough. Just get home Masahiro!"
He looked back with an expression of sadness before getting up and running again.
Forgetting about his shoe and trying to forgot the Prince, for he thought he would never see him again.
Kousuke ran down the stairs and grabbed the left shoe as he continued running after the boy.
Masahiro reaches his carriage and climbed inside.
"Go! Go! Go! Back home quickly!" He shouted.
He looked behind him to see Kousuke for a few seconds before he disappeared.
Kousuke was about to yell for guards to go after the carriage but someone stopped him.
"Prince Kousuke What's are you doing?" the royal advisor yelled to him from the stairs.
"Come back inside right now sir, there are many guests still waiting for you."
Kousuke clutched the shoe in his hand and turned away.
"I never even got to ask his name... wait a moment..." The Prince looked down to his hand.
Suddenly he had an idea to find his mystery man.


~596 words~
~Hello again after so long! Sorry things have been slow around here, I've been trying to keep my school and golf schedule on track as well as other things so, sorry this took so long to get out!~
P.S. I wonder what Kosuke's plan is???

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