§ Found You §

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    Masahiro arrived home after running all the way back and was out of breath.
Neither his stepfather or brother no Rice's his arrival, they were to busy trying to prepare for the prince's visit.
When his stepfather did notice he was back he order him to clean every inch of the house. Masahiro didn't say anything but nod and start cleaning.
Drew had giving Masahiro an outline of what to do before he left so he could get Prince Kousuke's attention without attracting his step family's as well.
Just two minutes after Masahiro finished his cleaning, the rum biking of carriages up the path could be heard.
For a moment Masahiro froze and had an internal panic for a few seconds. He snapped out of it when he realized he had to go.
He pretended to go up to his room until his stepfather and brother turned their backs to him and he quietly raced back down to under the stairs.
He hid under them just as Drew told him to. His heart beat so fast in his vest and loudly in his ears he thought they might be able to hear it.
It only worded when he heard the front door open and heard the same smooth voice he had from the ball that night, Prince Kousuke's.
"Hello Sir." Prince Kousuke bowed to them.
They had been throw half of the kingdom already today and no luck. Kousuke knew he was taking a chance of not finding them by only checking the kingdom and surrounding area but he still had hope.
Kousuke had brought his advisor, Kensuke, and Hasekura with him. His advisor spoke for him.
"Is this the only young person in this house?" Masahiro's stepfather knew that he was missing but ignored it anyways.
"Yes he is my only son."
"You mean the only one that will listen to your idiocy."
"Please sit on this stool and try on the glass shoe."
Kousuke's watched as the man tried on the shoe but knew it wasn't going to fit. He could tell, just like all the others.
It wasn't that the he met were bad, it's just that the person he had danced with had had a special feeling about him, no one had that so far.
Just as he suspected, the shoe didn't fit. The father had started talking about how that must be wrong that his son was perfect. They all had heard it from a couple of people but Kousuke's advisor knew how to handle this.
As they turned to leave Kensuke noticed something out of the corner of his eye.
Masahiro was supposed to come out from the stairs before the left, he was missing his chance. But he didn't have the courage, all of it had left his body.
He peeked around the corner trying to muster up courage as he heard them leaving but fought the eye of the younger prince. He instantly flew back behind the stairs, it was to late though.
"Brother! Brother! There is someone else here!"
"What are you talking about?" Both Kousuke and Masahiro's stepfather asked.
Kensuke took off.
"Kensuke!" But he had already reached the stairs.
"Come on out it's alright." Masahiro stared at him for a while before taking his out stretched hand.
"See!" Prince Kousuke eyes went wide as he looked at the smaller blonde boy who emerged from under the stairs with Kensuke.
The feeling he had that night as he had danced flooded through him.
"I thought you said no one else was here!" The advisor turned on Masahiro's stepfather.
"I did! He is a nobody! There is no way he went to the ball!"
Kousuke ignored both of them as he watched Kensuke sit the boy on the stool.
Instead of waiting for his advisor, Kousuke took the shoe himself.
He kneeled down in front of Masahiro.
Masahiro froze on the spot not moving.
"You better not do anything you little urchin!"
"Yeah that's right!" His step family yelled to him.
Masahiro's hear sped up. He was terrified of his stepfather and Kousuke could see that.
Kousuke reaches a gloved hand out and cupped his cheek, slowly turning it towards him. Everyone in the room fell silent.
Masahiro stared into his eyes and felt calmer.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath a before lifting his leg slightly.
Kousuke slid the shoe easily onto his foot as their eyes meet again. It was a perfect fit.


~747 words~
~Double update! And a long one at that! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry for the sort of cliffhanger, but I promise I'll try to update or start the next chapter soon!~

One Night ~ Hitorijime My Hero Cinderella AuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang