Maader Pt 1

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No ones POV

It's been a few days since the trio and the generals returned to Sindria the great. Jasmine is happy the drama from Balbadd is over at least for now, but our hero is currently facing a different challenge now...

"JASMINE! You need to finish this by today!?!"

"Ehk! How did you find me Jafar!" She screamed, make a dash for the door. The ex Assassin wasn't far behind, he is aware of nearly all of his sisters hiding spots and this is just a hindrance to completing the Paper work needed while their King is away.

Jasmine made a quick turn into Alibabas room, hoping her brother won't sniff her out. Taking a deep breath she calms her breathing and looks around the room. Alibaba was sitting on the bed facing the window, still with the sadden eyes from when they first arrived. He's been depressed that he couldn't do much else for his homeland, and feels like it's the end of the world for him.

"Hey there Ali, how you feeling today?" She asked walking around the disastrous room. Seems like he had one of his outlasted again. It's been Jasmine's and Morgiannas duty to help care and heal the heartbroken Prince of Balbadd. He only glanced up before looking back at the windows down at the cheerful town feeling envious.

" you know Alibaba, this isn't the first Sindra. We had our hardships as well."

He felt the bed shift to the new body sitting down with him. " what do you mean, from Sinbads book, it seemed like it worked perfectly for you guys." Jasmine sadly smiled at the memories about the first Sindria and about the death of their friends.

" do you wanna hear a story, about the stuff we decided not to put into this books? The truth of how we got here?" The curious prince nodded, curious about one of this biggest role models true story that wasn't written down.

"Once Upon a Time...."

"We are Home!!" Yelled Sin and Jasmine, as they walked back into their trading company. They just returned from their trip from Artemyra and brought back two new friends . Mystoras and the representative from Artemyra were walking around talking to a few of the employees.

"Where is Rurumu? I thought she would be here too?" Ask Sinbad, looking around for the over bearing lady. Jasmine rolled her eyes are her oblivious boyfriend. "She should be home resting, we've been gone for awhile. She should be nearing her last month of pregnancy."

"Ohh, right" He muttered. Hinahoho left to find his wife while Sin and Jasmine returned to financial office to see Vittel. It was always him who took over for Rurumu even though he gets stressed out easily. "Hey Vittel we're back, how did you do while we were gone?"

The said man jumped from his chair, "S-Sinbad and Jasmine! You're back already." He panicked. Jasmine giggled at his reaction, she kept him calm usually, but she wasn't here to help him. "Just breath Vittel~ You did a great job" her angelic voice sang through the room, calming the once anxious man.

"Ah, thanks Jazz. " he said feeling himself calm down from his normally panic state. "So here's the expenses and trading info we collected. We will leave it too you!" Sin said turning away, not noticing the conflicted look on his companions face.

Jasmine and Sin walked down to the front end when they heard a scream, "what now..." Muttered Jasmine as she and Sin took off towards the sound. It was an employee who fell and was trying to crawl away from a large cloaked man. "I'm sorry, she fell so I tried to help her...seems like I scared her instead." A familiar voice spoke, but sounded more tired and exhausted.

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