War and Peace Pt 2

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That's all I felt.

The world started spinning and I heard yelling from all around. From whom, I'm not sure. But I don't see the familiar purple color of my Husbands hair. Or his golden eyes that are supposed to look down at me. Where is he?

He's gone


Sinbad left you as soon as you failed to protect your babies.

I didn't fail... right? They're okay, still in my belly.

For now...

I got my bearings together and I sat up, I was in the labor room Yamihara prepared with me. More pain kept shooting through me, and I look for the cause. I see the dark and anonymous purple blood covering my single leg and waist.

"Jasmine! I need you to lay down, it's gonna be a busy night!" I heard from behind, hands pulling me down.

"Yam... what's happened?" I raise my hand from my stomach and see the sight of red.

"The baby decided to make its appearance early! So I need to finished preparing the magic circle before they start to come!"

I mind flashed back to the documents I shared with her a few days ago. About child birth for sirens. The blood fades from my face, "oh gosh"

I look over towards the door and I see Sin talking with Ja'far and Drakon. They were bruised up and worn out. "Yam, what's going on outside?"

She looked frantic as she tried to finish her work. "Okay... Jasmine, I need you to listen to me. I need to leave really quickly. I promise I'll be back, but I need you to trust the staff here!"

I looked at her stressed faced and towards my husband leaving without speaking to me. He doesn't care about you.

"Lies...Okay, Yam, be safe." I nodded as she ran out the door.


No one's POV

There were two wars raging. One above the grounds of Sindria, and one underneath the palace. One was to protect the nation, and the other was to bring life into the world.

The king was fighting against his last foe, the one who poisoned his wife. After dealing the final blow, he heard the man whispered, " She'll bring you down Lord Sin."

Somewhere underneath the palace, screams were being shouted, and a Magi watches it all. Waiting for the perfect opportunity.

"Tch, when are these babies going to come! This is taking way to long!!" Judar complains, he takes a peach that was in his pocket before and begins to snack away. Before he could take the last bite, he felt a strong force in the air. 

All the Ruhk in the area are growing impatient as well, but why? Well, Judar has a feeling everything will be told today. 

He decides to follow the current flow of the strange butterflies and finds himself in front of a large room. Personal of Sindria is running around, finishing a magic circle and setting up for what seems like major surgery.  He walks in, no one notices his presence at all. Something is telling the dark Magi to walk forward, but he will regret what he'll see. Gulping when the sight is brought into view. 

Jasmine, the woman he loved to tease and had a small crush on was laying on a stone table, crying in pain. She was covered in what seemed like blood, sweat, and tears. "Agh!" He flinched at the sudden moan, Jasmine opened her eyes slightly to make sense of Judar's figure. 

"J-Judar...what are you doing here?"

His shock did not last long when he felt her gentle embrace his hand, "A-ah...I just saw the ruhk..."

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