Bad Vibes

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~~~ Adelina ~~~

'What's up? I've never known you to not finish your strawberry milkshake.' Enya muttered at me, I looked up realising all eyes were on me and I wasn't paying attention to anything they were saying.

'Uh nothing just -'

'It's because she's turning 18 tomorrow and she still doesn't own a Mac book.' Nerida joined in, her blue eyes twinkled with sarcasm.

'Hey there's nothing wrong with my laptop.' I half smiled stirring my milkshake.
That's when I felt it.

A cold chill down my spine, something wasn't right. The diner's door chimed as it flung open and in walked a guy, late twenties... wearing biker attire, with a helmet under one arm ruffling his dark brown hair with his free hand.

My eyes shot across to Nerida and she knew from my facial expression something was not right and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. They all remained quiet as they looked from me to the guy who just walked in and ordered a spiced latte.

'Have I missed something? Does she know him?' Amara asked Nerida. Enya shushed them both.
'No idiot it happened last time you remember when she sniffed out a witch hunter just from a bad vibe.' Enya whispered.

'This ones really hot though like he seriously cant spend his free time hunting witches.' Amara twisted her red hair around her fingers and smiled over towards him. I looked up and met his piercing blue eyes. Shit he was smiling back.

'Amara seriously, we need to leave now.' I hissed under my breath.

'We don't know a hundred percent-'

'Well we didn't know last time until that woman tried shooting at us.' Enya rolled her eyes sitting back up in her seat.

'She could've been a looney toon for all we knew!' Amara scoffed eating Enya's fries she had now pushed in the middle of the table.

All the while my eyes never left his, I was frozen in place , by fear? Or was Amara right and he was just so damn attractive.

'Come on let's go.' I spoke again unable to move.

'No that looks too shady, look at all this half eaten food.' Nerida sighed filling her glass back up with water and taking a sip.

'Nerida!' I almost screamed, I was literally hanging around a bunch of morons. There's a witch hunter in the diner and all they could do was joke around and use their magic.

I grabbed my bag and as soon as I got up to leave my body hit a large muscular surface.

'Oh I'm so sorry.' I gasped wondering what the burning feeling was on my chest. I looked up to meet those piercing blue eyes then realised his now empty coffee mug and the contents spilt all down my front.

'Ah shit are you alright?' A sultry deep voice spoke. His hands came out catching me from falling back into Nerida and pulling me back into him.

'It's hot.' I panicked, not that I was covered in hot coffee just that a witch hunter was holding me upright in a close proximity. His long dark lashes tickled his cheeks when he looked down to see the damage. I assessed his face in that split second trying to find a flaw but there wasn't any. Even his four day stubble was extremely sexy.

He let go of me and ran to get something to dry me off.

I looked back at the girls who was sat there with big eyes and confused looks.

'It's a trap.' I mumbled.

'So if he's a witch hunter, why is your necklace glowing?' Enya pointed out.

I noticed my emerald charm glowing a deep red, a small tear drop shaped Stone we each had hanging off a black chain. When we were growing up we found an old spell book and the one that interested us the most was enchanting a necklace to glow when around your true love.

'It must be broken.' I snapped it off and shoved it in my jeans pocket.

They all stared wide eyed at me whilst he came back behind me.

'Here the waitress gave me this, it didn't burn you did it.....?' He paused waiting for a name.

I weren't gonna give him it until Amara shouted it out.

'Adelina, that's pretty.' He smiled flashing his dimples either side of his perfect jawline.

'My names Greyson.' He said after a while, eyes peering into mine.

I slowly nodded grabbing my bag.
'Nice meeting you Greyson, sorry about your coffee but I've gotta go.' I dashed off unable to fight the bad feeling anymore, it was too much.

I climbed in the car waiting for everyone to get in. My power felt heavy in my chest as it tried breaking free. I tried to stop but before I knew it my finger tips tingled and air shot out setting the car alarm off.

'Shit shit shit.'

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