Happy Birthday Grumpy Bum

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It was finally Adelina's birthday and I was stuck with the most boring job, organising the decorations. We had hired a whole fairground just for her 18th so this bitch better love us or I'll hang her by vines and feed her to the lions.

I had no idea what had happened last night but judging by her ignorance today she was still in a mood from it all. I mean if dreamy blue eyed witch hunter was my soulmate I'd be over the moon, I'd have sex with him first and then tell him I'm a witch after or maybe never at all, win win situation, but nooooo Lina can't do complications she was miss perfect.

'Are you gonna get the last stall up or what? We're nearly done here.' Enya butted through my thoughts.
'Ugh my nails are sore I need a break.' I groaned laying back down on the work top catching the warm rays from the August sun.

'Amara, you had a break fifteen minutes ago, the quicker you are the more time we've got to get ready.' She crossed her arms, that usually meant she was pissed off, and it wasn't hard to since she has one heck of a fiery temper.

'Yes boss.' I stuck my tongue out at her and carried on weaving flowers through the stalls.

Once I got home I changed into a deep purple co ord, bralet and shorts and slipped on some converse. After applying some lippy I snuck into my back room and pulled out an old spell book I'd got off Enya. After locking my door I chucked the ingredients into a pot and chanted the three words.

'Mordé Límpo Calaöux' I whispered not wanting my mum to hear me. I poured the bubbling silver liquid into a flask and placed it in my bag ready to go.

ring ring ring ring
I answered my phone.
'We're outside dickhead come on!' Enya said hearing her pipping at the same time.

I ran downstairs and found my mum hovering around the front door.
'I'm going mum, love you.'
'Have fun dear and please be safe, if any of those rides break down I'm suing the company!'

I gave her the please don't worry look, little did she know if a ride broke down I'd be able to grow a tree out my hands and climb back down.

'What takes you so long, every time I swear!' Enya moaned as I climbed in the front seeing Adelina and Nerida quiet in the back.

'Happy birthday grumpy bum!' I yelled snapping her out of her thoughts, tossing her the potion I had made. She looked up and gave me a reassuring smile, but I knew her mind was still elsewhere.

'What's this?' She asked swirling the mini bottle in her hands.
'Your birthday present. Drink up bitch.' I winked and to my surprise she did, the whole bottle. I was prepared to get a lecture from her I guess maybe she knew she needed lightening up.
Enya shook her head at me.
'What even was that?'

'Just a little boost, the best part is it comes without a hangover. Tell me I'm amazing!'

'You're an idiot, now we'll have to keep an eye on her, she's not even going to be able to remember all the effort we've put in.' Enya sighed, I was hoping Nerida would back me up but she stayed quiet.

Once we got back to the park we all waited for Lina's reaction when she got out the car.

'You have got to be kidding!' Her mouth hung open in awe.
'I know it's over the top but you deserve it.' Nerida smiled.

I looked past the entrance to see a few people already there, one person in particular caught my eye.

'I love you guys.' She hummed before running into the park like she was celebrating her 10th birthday.

I looked over at the other two.
'Mission accomplished.' I laughed heading in after her.

'Hey.' He said almost as if he saw me coming.
'Hey you made it.' I stopped in my tracks to give him a look over.

Brendan Bray, the most attractive guy in our school. I have always had a soft spot for him.. I just never really knew how to stick with the same guy. Yes I've slept with him twice, but to me that's once too many and now things are super awkward.

'Yeah this is awesome what you've done by the way.' His mouth twitched.
He was nervous, I could tell with the way he ran his hand through his blonde curls. It made me all the more attracted to him; knowing I had that effect on him when every other girl in our year was willing to do anything for him.

'Well I hope you have a good time.' I swallowed stepping away from him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards him.
'I was actually hoping to hang with you.' His brown eyes bored into mine, he almost looked sad.

'I- um- I've just gotta go find my friends first I'll be back.' I walked away swallowing a short panicked breath and headed over to Nerida who was stood playing ring toss.

She was giggling whilst other girls stood around her cheering her own.

'What's up?' She asked, she didn't even need to look at my expression to know I needed her.

'I'm kinda in a sticky situation-'

'Oh with Brendan? I thought you invited him.' She threw the last ring and if anyone looked close enough they could see the water under neath directing it over onto the pole.

'I did, as friends and I think he wants more than that and I don't know if I do.' I mumbled scanning over the field to see Enya talking to her math class friends.

'What because you have commitment issues? Look you can find any guy and they'll fall to your knees but if you screw them over you don't get another chance, you need to figure out if you have something with Brendan-'

'Where's Adelina?' I panicked.


Hey guys so Brendan Bray, Yay or nay?

Hey guys so Brendan Bray, Yay or nay?

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