His Name Is Greyson

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~~~~~Enya ~~~~~~

'You and your stupid potions I swear! This is your fault!' I screeched, after an hour looking for Adelina I had lost my patience and took it out on Amaranth.

'Honestly don't worry we'll just search the park again.' Nerida spoke whilst Amara pretty much ignored me.

'Don't worry? When SHE invited a witch hunter to her party, got her intoxicated and not even kept an eye on her!' I felt the heat rise to my fingertips and pushed it back towards chest. I was almost breathing fire.

'Oh yeah cos you're so perfect always having to blame me ey?! Why weren't you watching her?'
She stood waving her hands around like the drama queen she was when I noticed Lina walk towards us with the face of innocence.

'Wait where did you just come from?' I sighed out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

'You guys will be mad if I told you, but in case you was wondering I'm perfectly fine apart from that potion you made has worn off already!' She stuck her lip out at Amara.

'Yeah I bet.' Nerida chuckled.

I was about to ask her once more when the mysterious blue eyed man walked behind her with his bike helmet under one arm. Then it all made sense.

'You left your own party to hang out with the stranger you met yesterday?' I couldn't contain my anger anymore I was ready to blow.

'Oh shit Enya, come on.... we have to go and try those churros.' Amara started to shuffle me along trying to cover up the steam that was emitting from my body. She motioned to Nerida to stay with them and that we won't be long.

I clamped my mouth shut and let her push me away, it was Adelina's birthday after all, the last thing we wanted was a ball of fire to blow up the thing we spent all week putting up and injure all our classmates.

She was smart. Even if she was drunk there was bound to be a good reason behind her disappearance but putting herself in danger like that was foolish.

'Nutella or cream?' Amaranth asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

I slumped down in my chair watching Lina's body language around the guy.
'Ugh I mean what happened to the whole witch hunter radar, be aware bad things happen around the guy? So we just ignore that now and make friends with him? I don't even know his name!'

'Greyson, his name is Greyson.' She mumbled sitting down in front of me tossing me a bag of churros and a plastic tub.

'And I got you Nutella since you never answered.' I looked up at her noting i had either bummed her mood or something else did.

'Thanks, hey look I'm sorry.'

'Don't be, you're one of a kind... a fucking nightmare when you're angry but we wouldn't love you any less.' She shrugged flipping her long orange hair over her shoulder.

'What happened to Brendan?' I asked her dusting the sugar off my hands.

'Nothing happened with Brendan, we're not an item.' She shot back almost too quickly. I realised it was a touchy subject so I turned my attention back towards Adelina.

'That necklace is still glowing.' She pointed out, you could see it faintly under her black cardigan if you looked carefully.

'Yeah my dad said we must've done the spell right. Do you think it's possible a witch hunter and a witch to fall in love?' I asked her when I looked back she was sat texting as if I wasn't even here, typical Amaranth.

'Mmm, Yeah like Romeo and Juliet.' She mumbled not taking her eyes off her phone.

'Except in this scenario Romeo wants to kill Juliet.'

'We don't know that yet.' She replied.


The next morning I woke to hushed voices downstairs. I checked my alarm clock, 9.38am.
I debated going back to sleep when the voices got louder and more recognisable.

I swung on my cardigan and joggers and plodded downstairs to investigate.

'He's dangerous, we need to have a meeting as soon as.' My dad spoke.

'Dear who are you talking about?' My mum joined in.

'The Langwicks son is in town.' My dad replied and the room went silent.

'And you know this because?' Her voice broke through the sleepiness.

'I did some investigating yesterday, he's just moved on his own, nothing makes sense though he didn't have any weapons in his place.' Adelina's voice joined in.

'Hold up you went to his house?!' Mum screeched.

'He's playing a really good game if he's after us.' Nerida joined in.

'That's the problem he won't be after you until he's disposed of us, we killed his parents.'

'You did what?' I made my way to the last step seeing them all but Amaranth sat around the table.

'Wait you killed his parents?' Adelina continued as she acknowledged my presence.

'His family were a danger to all of us, they had powerful resources, they were strong, they killed a few of our friends. We had to do something so we set their house on fire.' My dad pulled out a chair and pointed for me to sit down.

'So what's the plan? We take down Greyson?' I asked watching Nerida scoff three pancakes at once and Adelina shuffle uncomfortably in her seat.

'Certainly.' My mum answered but Adelina was quick to shut them down.

'I think we should figure things out first, I mean I really can't see him being a killer.'

'Darling, We've been around for some generations now, as the years go along their resources can't match the power we have developed so they come up with plans, to try and catch us off guard.' My mum explained throwing work related things into her bag.

'He's the guy I told you about, to do with Adelina's necklace.' I blurted out to my dad, I was confused as to why I was sticking up for her when she had become so reckless.

'We're having a board meeting, 4 o clock today, you won't be allowed in but I'm sure of the outcome.' My dad replied.

'What necklace?' My mum butted in.

'We kinda borrowed your spell book and used the enchantment a while ago, her necklace glows every time she's around him.' Nerida muttered licking the syrup off her spoon.

'None sense, he's born a witch hunter, it's in his blood.' She cut us off, swinging her bag around her shoulder I knew it was end of discussion.

'Wait what's the outcome?' Adelina asked biting her lip.

We all knew the outcome. Greyson was going to die and there wasn't much time to figure anything else out.

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