Easy Breezey

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'What the hell did you do?' I asked as we had somehow appeared back in the forest. Last thing I knew a storm was brewing and we was all stood outside Greyson's on the phone to Amaranth as she had told us the council had killed him.

I no longer felt the rage of the wind ready to burst out of me, and there was no way for a witch to use a portal so I knew it had to be Enya she was the only one with knowledge of dark magic.

'It worked.' She smiled looking around the room in disbelief.

'What exactly worked?' Nerida barked knowing that we was about to get into a lot more trouble.

'We haven't got much time come on! We have a life to save!'

I took out my phone and checked the time.

No freaking way.

There's dark magic and there's magic that was forbidden for a good reason.

'We can't cheat time! What have you done! It's like a butterfly effect, you expect us to change things but death will still get its way, if we save Greyson someone else will die!'

'Hopefully someone we don't know.' She snapped as we all got in the car.

'That's funny because you was adamant the stranger was a witch hunter this morning!' I clicked my seatbelt on waiting for an argument that never came.

'So what exactly is the plan?' Nerida sighed shaking her head.

'Well in 25 minutes Greyson dies, instead of going straight to his place we now know where they all are.' She beamed like it was the best thing she had ever done, my stomach turned knowing what we was getting ourselves into.

'How do we know where they are?' Nerida asked.

'Amara messaged me, luckily the time spell got to her too.'

'How did you do it? You know got us all to remember, I thought with a time spell you only could change things yourself.' I asked staring out the window at all the trees blowing in the wind and remembering how it hit me on Greyson's motorbike.

'I added a little bit more magic on top, something that connected us all.'

'Your necklace.' Nerida finished.

'Smart.' Enya smirked.

'I don't know why you're so happy about it, we're all going to die either way. They'll know you've used dark magic.' My voice was shaky I blew out a breath of wind to calm my nerves.

'Only if we get caught.' Enya replied watching me through the front mirror.

The drive lasted about 20 minutes, which meant we arrived just as the meeting started.
What if we were making a mistake? What if we couldn't save Greyson and he still dies and we all went to jail for breaking the witching law?

Enya's father Lucas always spoke about the  jail, no one knew where it was located but once the laws were broken, ancient legends rise to detain you and your powers, we hadn't witnessed it, but Lucas swore it was terrifying and there was no way out. He said the souls of the guilty were trapped forever and their bodies was left too weak to move they eventually die a very slow death from maggots eating them from the inside out.

We come to a stop right behind Amaranths car I recognised her metallic green Volkswagen Beetle anywhere.

I took one last breath before it got knocked back out of me.


A frantic looking Amaranth pounded on Neridas side of the car window.

'Jesus.' Enya muttered as we piled out her car.

'You have a lot of explaining to do, we're all going to be seriously fucked now. We might as well go in there and replace Greyson with ourselves.' She hissed.

'Relax, have you got a plan?' Enya asked.

We all fell silent as the sky thundered loudly. That wasn't a good sign, the storm didn't start until after Greyson had died.

'You seriously went to the lengths of going back in time to have not thought this far ahead??' Nerida snapped, the sky had started pouring it down frantically.

I muted them out as they argued, channeling my inner power.

'I think I know how to get in.' I muttered watching my hands disappear, then my arms and legs until I looked up to see three completely spooked faces.

'Omg she's been took to jail already!' Nerida cried. Enya knew better, she came closer knowing they couldn't see me she still felt my presence.

'She's turned into air, now that's fucking awesome.'

'Since how?' Amaranth waved her hand out in front of me struggling to understand.

I couldn't speak otherwise I would lose focus so I glided straight towards the abandoned house and through the window. The room was made up of twelve witches surrounding a tied up Greyson.

They were talking until I came in, I almost panicked until I realised I would've just felt like a breeze rolling in. One of the witches went to shut the window when I looked up to see Greyson's sad blue eyes were looking straight at me.

He half smiled. I froze. Could he see me?

'I hereby summon Greyson Langwick to death may he rest with his family.' An older African woman stepped forward, she had grey deadlocks tied back and an ankh tattoo on her forehead.

She raised her arms ready to emit whatever was going to kill him.
I stepped in front of him hoping I could be a shield.

'No! What are you doing?' He screamed as he rocked in his chair.

All of a sudden lightening bolts shot out of her, she looked so powerful I knew I wasn't going to be a match but with all the strength in my body I pushed back, the shocks hitting me from every angle I let go of a deafening scream.

I fell limp into his lap, the impact made me lose all focus so I became visible, he freed his hands to cradle me.

'What are you doing silly little girl get out of my way!' The witch hissed at me, Lucas tried to pull her away but she shook him off like she had plenty of years on him.

'I'm so sorry Adelina.' He whispered holding me tighter with one arm, I was in too much pain to think, my ears were ringing, probably bleeding from the impact I just stayed frozen anchored to his body.

The room lit up brightly, at first I thought Enya or her parents had set the house on fire, but it wasn't that kind of light, it was as if it was coming from Greyson himself or even the sun.

'Just hold onto me, I'm getting you out of here.' His voice was fuzzy but I just about picked it out before I closed my eyes from exhaustion.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2018 ⏰

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