
12 1 1

I was stood in line for the Ferris wheel, it didn't look highly safe but neither was this potion bubbling through my veins.

I swallowed a hiccup and wrapped my cardigan tighter as the wind danced around me. That's when I felt him.

That familiar bad vibe raising goosebumps as my body screamed witch hunter. My necklace glowed bright so I quickly thread it under my top and swallowed the second hiccup.

'Mind if I join you?' His voice like a siren from the sky, dark but heavenly. I slowly looked up from under my lashes to see him stood with a smirk on his face. Was his effect so obvious on me? Did I not give him the same effect? What was wrong with me? This damn necklace had to be broken!

'Um yes I do mind.' I muttered looking around for Amaranth, I was going to kill her for inviting him.

'Well I only came to wish you happy birthday and extra condolences for that outfit you wore yesterday and I'm guessing you're not so happy. I mean your friends seem to have gone to quite some lengths to put all this together.'

'I am happy, I don't mean to be rude but I barely know you, you show up in this town on your own surely I'm allowed to be slightly skeptical.' I embarrassingly let out a hiccup, a rush of the potion made its way to my head where it began to spin and I almost topple over until his warm strong arms cage around me.

I awkwardly opened my eyes as he gazed down at me, my body was on fire from his touch

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I awkwardly opened my eyes as he gazed down at me, my body was on fire from his touch.

'I admire your honesty princess.' I heard a faint accent making him sound a lot older than he appeared. I couldn't quite make out what it was but it was undeniably sexy.

'I guess I could say the same about your arrogance.' I mumbled quiet enough he wouldn't hear but by the look on his face told me he did.

'Are you going to stand up any time soon? People are going to think you're drunk.' I jolted up as soon as I realised how comfortable I was in his arms, pushing myself away from him. I looked back to see him smirking.

Judging by my foggy vision I was apparently rather drunk.

'Why won't you get to know me then?'  He swallowed as if he struggled to ask me.

'What -is this the part where you take me to yours and try to bed me?'

'What?' He stopped to laugh, even his laugh was sexy.
'If you wanted to come to mine you could just ask, I mean for someone so stubborn I was going to settle for a ride on the wheel with you.'  He laughed again, I just watched him with uncertainty that's when I noticed the helmet he carried under his arm.

'I would rather ride on your bike.' The words came out of no where, but my body overruled my words. I wanted to feel the wind, the adrenaline, all of it.

'Okay.' He raised his eyebrow watching me to see if I was joking but I started walking towards the car park hoping no one would see me leave.

I mentally told myself I'd only be gone before they even noticed.

The only motorbike in the parking lot that screamed Greyson, if he was a bike this was it, glossy black and dangerous looking.

He caught up with me easily as each of his steps matched my two. He gave me one last look trying to figure me out before he passed me his helmet.

'Put this on.' His crystal blue eyes glistened under the street lamps.

'What about you?' I asked, if he wanted me dead already surely he wouldn't be giving me his safety wear.

'I can always come back to haunt you if anything happens. Get on princess.' He chuckled swinging his leg over and revving the engine.

The sound of the purr thrilled me. Was I such a sadist I was into getting on bikes with strangers?

I was about to find out.

I wrapped my arms tightly around his hard stomach and inhaled his manly scent. It felt natural to be so close with him and that worried me.

We sped off down the first long road and I welcomed the air that hit me sending my hair flapping in different directions. Some of it was natural and some of it was from me.

We eventually reached a small house in the middle of no where. I should've brought some sort of back up but for some reason I seemed to trust him too easily.

'You can let go now.' He laughed shuffling out of my grip.

I didn't want the ride to stop, was it possible to be this in love with a motorbike?

'Are you okay? Was that scary?' He asked pulling his helmet gently off my head.

I shook my head still lost for words.
'It was amazing, I need one.' Was all I managed to spit out.

'You need lessons first princess.' He teased rattling his keys out of his pocket he headed to his front door. I swallowed my nerves and followed him.

'Are you thirsty?' He asked as we walked through his living room into his kitchen. His place was still full of boxes that he was unpacking, but other than that it looked rather expensive.

Every witch hunter I've known of always had a way with cash. Other than that there wasn't any obvious clues, no sign of weapons and the bad feeling about him wasn't as strong as I'd thought it'd get from being in his home.

'Yes anything alcoholic please.' I said a bit louder as he left me to go in the kitchen. Once he left sight I decided to do some snooping.

'I've only got scotch.' He replied.

'That's fine.'

I saw a photo on his desk of him as a younger boy and an older woman on a beach, he looked happy. There were a small pile of post sat next to it addressed to Mr G Langwick.
That name rang a bell, I'd have to bring it up with Enya's father.

He walked into the room with a small glass for me.
'My mum, she passed away when I was five.' He nodded over to the photo as I grabbed the drink from him.

I watched his expression, he was clearly trying to keep a strong front but I felt the pain he must've gone through.

'I'm sorry.' I swallowed my drink placing my hand on his arm. I followed his gaze as he looked down to his arm, back up to my lips finally meeting my eyes.

My cheeks felt warm.

'Let's get you back.' He mumbled not taking his eyes off mine.

I nodded unable to control the effect he had on me so I distracted myself playing with a metronome he had on his shelf.

'So what brought you to Havenhollow?' I asked coughing the burn in my chest from the drink.

'I was born here, just want to feel closer to my roots y'know.'


Okay so I've had a little bit of a meltdown writing this chapter as the original got completely deleted by mistake! 😱😱 I didn't realise until I was a few chapters ahead that I had a blank page so I've gone back a few chapters to re-write it from scratch, If things don't add up or is confusing let me know!

Also poll time who's your favourite character??

A: Adelina 🌬

B: Amaranth 🍃

C: Nerida 🌊

D: Enya 🔥

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