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'Who was that?' Brendan asked as the phone disconnected. He crawled back in my bed kissing my shoulder.

'Something important has come up, I've gotta go.' I pulled from his warmth as he stared at me in sadness.

'Is this because of this Greyson dude? Do you like him?' He shot out as I got dressed.

'What? No! I told you it's for a friend and I need to go tell my friend.' I crossed my arms as I watched him stay sprawled in my bed.

He looked so perfect with his arms behind his head, the blanket just covering his crotch.

'You need to leave too this is my house.' I frowned.

'Why do you always just disappear? You never open up to me, it's like you never want to be around me, as soon as you talk to your friends you push me away like you're embarrassed of me.' He stormed around throwing his clothes on angrily.

'I just have a lot going on Brendan, please don't ask me to choose between you and my friends because I'll always choose them, and if you can't accept that then there's nothing going on here.' I quickly tied my hair up and grabbed my purse leaving the room and an inconsolable Brendan behind.

I quickly started my engine and drove down to Enya's house knocking on the door frantically.
No answer.
I looked through the windows just to make sure but the ground already told me the house wasn't occupied.

Great I thought to myself texting Nerida, I was pretty sure I had lost Brendan, and if I couldn't salvage Adelina's only shot then I'd be back to square negative.


I re read her message, I knew I was short on time so how the hell was I meant to cover so much ground. Then I remembered a spell, a dark spell that I was pretty sure forbidden in witching law.

First I had to break in and trespass second I had to find something that belonged to Lucas or Gwyneth and then pin point them on a map.

I grew a root out of my hand to unlock the front door then began my search.

I ran around their house finding a strand of their hair and a map I laid out on their breakfast bar.

My phone kept buzzing in my pocket but I ignored it as I chanted the spell I hoped I remembered.

'Jafaxíus Opleum.' I repeated holding down onto the map. It started to change colour until the place where they were shown up the brightest. The amount of power that surged through my body was so much I began to go dizzy.

'Gotcha.' I mumbled picking up the map I ran back out the house into my car holding onto anything to keep me upright as I went.

The map took me to an abandoned house outside of Havenhollow.

Lucas and Gwyneth's car were parked among others so I knew I was at the right place.
Quickly skimming my messages I ran over to the house.


Nerida: WHERE R U


The front door was locked so I went around the house until I found a window.

I grew branches underneath the window to climb up so I could look through, Enya's parents and a few familiar faces stood around someone strapped to a chair with a bag over his head.

Just as I was about to smash the window through an elderly woman struck him with a bolt of lightening.
I swallowed a scream as the lifeless body fell to the floor.

My phone started ringing, I shakily answered yet my mouth was too dry to speak.

I looked back up again to see all their eyes were now on me.

'Shit.' I must've screamed after all.

'Amaranth?' I heard them shout down the phone.

'We're too late. He's dead.' I sobbed as I ran back to my car tossing my phone onto the passengers I put my foot down.

'Wait no! They can't do that!' Adelina cried down the phone.
I heard Nerida and Enya have a conversation between themselves.

'Guys I'm driving like a lunatic here I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going I just know I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble!' My pulse was going so fast, I could feel every breath of each tree all at once. My head started to spin and that's when I collided head on into another car, the air bags knocking me out from the impact.

Everything went black.


I was expecting to wake up in a wreck, stuck in the seat of my car, in pain or something at least.

But when I opened my eyes it was not what I was expecting.

'Who was that?' Brendan asked as he crawled into my bed kissing me on the shoulder.

'Who was what?' I asked my face paled as if I saw a ghost, I looked around my room taking the surroundings in, checked every limb of my body and noted not one graze.

What. The. Fuck. Is. Happening.

'On the phone, it sounded pretty important?' He raised an eyebrow lifting my chin up to look him in the eyes.

I pulled away from his warmth finding my phone.

3.36pm Wednesday, 12th

Holy shit I had somehow jumped back an hour in time.

I got up out of bed and slowly got dressed expecting something to happen, maybe this was what it was like to be in a coma, when really my body was still in that car or in a hospital bed, or maybe none of that ever happened and I had dreamt it all.

'Is this because of this Greyson dude? Do you like him?' He pouted at me looking sad.

I snapped out of my thoughts and walked over to him.

'Look Brendan, I fancy the pants off you, don't doubt that for one second. I know I can come across as ignorant sometimes I guess I'm just scared of commitment.' I blabbed searching for my phone as I walked around him in circles.

He stopped me and pulled me close to him inhaling his manly scent I instantly relaxed.
'Just let me know when you're ready, because I can't stop thinking about you Mara.' He wrapped my hair around the back of my ear sending a shiver down my jaw line.

I kissed him, as if I was afraid this wasn't real, I realised if I was dead this was my way of doing over what I never had the guts to do before.

'I promise I will.' On that note I left him in my room, this time hoping he'd stay and wait for me.

I stepped out my house eyeing up my car that was in good condition at the end of my drive. If I had a second chance I knew what I needed to do.

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