Council Meeting

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'We don't know he's a witch hunter!' Adelina slammed her breaks on, we all scurried out the car through the forest to our hidden spot.

'Sometimes it's best to cut out the problem before it evolves.' Enya replied, if that was to try and calm her I don't know how. We had nearly reached the underground tunnel we had made but Adelina's outburst was growing strong. The wind wrapped around my hair as the trees swayed from side to side so fast they looked like they were going to snap.

'What if he's not the problem?' She gritted her teeth balling up her hands.
'How is he not a problem Lina? Witch hunters are by blood, if his family were than he definitely is!' Enya raised her voice balling her fists up too, the wind now wrapped me with a tinge of heat.

'Enough!' I snapped throwing water on them both. They screamed from shock and stood watching me with mouths wide open.

'You need to calm down, we can't keep having silly little outbursts we could hurt somebody! Now get in.' I opened the door in the ground and pulled them one by one.

'Where's Amaranth and why does she get away with everything?' Enya asked, Adelina started walking down the ladder but looked up as if she didn't know the answer either.

'She stayed at Brendan's, we can fill her in when she gets here.' I climbed in after and shut the door behind me.

'Of course the 'I'm not a whore' whore is out whoring it.' Enya muttered. Adelina slipped out a chuckle turning the bulb on dimly lighting up our large room that contained jars of different substances for potions, a bookcase and a big wooden table in the centre.

'You can't laugh either, you're the one getting us in danger.' Enya barked.

Adelina was about to say something back when I raised my hands.

'Stop, otherwise you'll be swimming home.' I grunted.

'What's up with you? That's the most I've heard you speak all week.' Adelina furrowed her brows sitting on the corner of the table.

'Nothing is up, if you want to figure this out and save your lover boy we only have half an hour to do so.'

The truth was everything was up, I had a lot going on right now but none of them knew, they never asked. I was the odd one out of the group. The three of them always did things together and I am pretty much the fourth wheel.

'He's not my loverboy, I just know he's harmless, he has to be... what if he is witch hunter by blood but he doesn't know? I don't know I have an off feeling about him but there's something else there, the same thing I feel when I'm around you guys. A familiar feeling.' She tied her damp hair up in a bun and sighed.

'It's called L-O-V-E.' Enya rolled her eyes.

My phone started ringing.
I answered as Amaranths picture popped up.


'Are you with Adelina?' She sounded panicked.

'Yeah were all here, waiting on you as usual.'

'Put me on loud speaker.' She snapped.

I pressed loud speaker and put my phone down on the table afraid of what was to come.

'Okay so I did some digging on the Greyson guy, call me a genius... well Brendan is just great with hacking.'

'Please tell me you've not got Brendan involved.' Adelina frowned smacking her forehead.

'Well he doesn't know why, I just said it was for a friend, anyway back to the point, His parents were witch hunters!'

Enya blew out a breath 'Yes we knew that! Amara I swear if you was ever around-'

'Wait I'm not done! His parents were the Langwicks but his real name is Greyson Bouliane, I've seen the adoption paperwork.'

We all stared at the phone in silence.

'Helloooo you guys still there?'

'He's not a witch hunter by blood.' Adelina mumbled looking confused.

'But he could still be trained.' Enya walked towards the corner picking out a spell book.

'You always have an answer don't you?' Adelina scowled at her back.

'Amara where are you?' I cleared my throat.

'At mine why?'

'Can you pop round to Enya's, we have a council meeting to stop.'

'Council meeting? What council meeting?' Her voice went high pitched.

'My parents are going to kill Greyson.' Enya said flipping through the pages of a book.

'And why would they do that? He's not even done anything.' She mumbled, I heard a voice in the background telling us she wasn't alone.

'Just get to Enya's and stop her dad. I'm worried we're not going to get back in time.'
I was so stressed my power was becoming faulty. I hadn't a clue if I was Ill or drained but my finger tips started to freeze over and that was not normal for me.

'Can't you just ring him and be like hey you know that guy you're going to kill? Please don't?'

'Amara, just go. We'll catch you up.' I tried hanging up but my phone screen wasn't registering my fingers so i locked it instead hiding it from the girls.

'We have to go.' Adelina said running back up the ladder, Enya followed after ripping out a page from a book.

It was quiet the whole journey home, Amara messaged me just before we got back.


I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.
'Change of directions Adelina, where does Greyson live?'

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