The Necklace

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'Don't worry about our friend she's socially awkward around attractive guys.' Amaranth smiled practically sexing him with her slutty eyes.

'We should get going anyway, come on.' I grabbed them both away from mr blue eyes.

'Wait, I've just moved here... I was wondering if I could hang out with you guys, show me around Havenhollow?' His eyes met mine now he was definitely trying to stall us.

'We're quite busy actually-'

'Yeah sure! It's Lina's birthday tomorrow, it's gonna be huge you should come along.' Amara interrupted. I sent a sizzle of fire on her bum to get her to shut up.

'Ow What was that for!' She gritted her teeth whilst Nerida burst out laughing.

I heard something tapping against the window, it was tree branches. There was no wind in Havenhollow in August.

The guys knew it was Adelina.

'Sorry we have to go.' Nerida said and we hurried out the diner. The wind was getting stronger and we didn't even have to look for her car, it was the only one in the lot alarming.

I climbed in the passenger side and grabbed hold of her shaking hand.

'Adelina!' I squeezed getting her attention, the alarming stopped and eventually the wind did too.

'What the hell was that?' I blinked, her hands was cold so I warmed them up in mine.

'I told you guys something was wrong, that guy in there did something to me.' She muttered starting the engine.

'Like what? What did he do apart from setting your necklace off?'

'My power.. it was consuming me, he's a witch hunter damn it, he did something and next thing I know my power got hard to control, I don't know what he did I just know it's never happened!' She stepped on the pedal and I caught Nerida's worried face in the wing mirror.

'Is she safe to drive?!' She asked clinging on to her seatbelt.

'I'm fine we just need to get home, like I said 20 minutes ago.' She spoke through her teeth.

'Lina your necklace is still glowing.' I whispered not wanting the others to chip in and bug her even more.

She glanced at me giving me the knowing look.

She dropped Amara off first, then Nerida then me, once I stepped out she turned the car opposite way to hers.

I didn't have to ask where she was going, I knew she would want to do research in our hideout.
When we were 16 we decided to build a designated place in the forest to practice our magic that only we knew about. Sometimes we'd meet there just to hang out or even have some alone time. It was well hidden because It was underground and hidden by plants and trees Amara grew.

I was tempted to get in my car and follow her but I knew she'd appreciate the alone time, whatever happened in the last half hour was for her to figure out. If she was right and there was another witch hunter in town we'd have to face that problem together.

I walked in swinging my bag down at the bottom of the stairs, the smell of cooked chicken filled my nostrils.
'Hey dad!' I called, my mothers car wasn't outside so I knew she was on lates.

'Hi kid, how was your day at school?' He asked tossing the pan.

I walked into the kitchen and sat at the breakfast bar, realising how lucky I had it. Not every witch had witch parents, sometimes it was genes passing through generations and sometimes you were chosen at birth. Nerida and Amara had human parents so had to keep it all to themselves, Adelina was adopted so she never really knew if her parents were and here I am, both my mum and dad with the same powers.

'Lame as usual, took Adelina for a pre birthday milkshake after and something weird happened.'

He served up some chicken and veg on a plate and placed it down in front of me, my stomach grumbled.
'Oh really? Did she spit milkshake out her nose again?' He laughed until he met my serious eyes.

'Okay what now?' He sighed dropping his oven gloves and giving me his full attention.

'Well you know mums spell book, we kinda used an enchantment spell from it a few years ago.....' I met his eyes and he didn't seem disappointed so I continued.

'Well we all made our own necklace and enchanted it with a spell that glows around your-'

'Soulmate, mmhmm I know that one very well That's how your mother found me.' He twiddle with the necklace around my neck.

'And I always wondered why you wore this junk everyday.' He chuckled tucking in to his food.

'Well Adelina's glowed earlier, is it possible we did the spell wrong? Or it means anything else?' I asked taking a sip of orange juice.

'Not that I know of, if it glowed that must means you did it right, why who was the unlucky person? Or better yet was it even a person?' He laughed humbly again.

'Well a guy who's just moved over here, the problem is she thinks he's a witch hunter.'
I bit my lip and regretted saying the words once they were out.

He dropped it cutlery and frowned at me.

'I'll bring it up with the council, make sure they keep an eye out, I don't want you girls anywhere near any witch hunters, they shouldn't be in this town anyway.'

My mum and day were high class members of the secret council they had just for witches, I knew a few members but there weren't that many to begin with, the rest rather stay hidden under a human life.

'Yes dad I know.' I mumbled.


Thoughts on Greyson anyone?
I'm using Ian Somerhalder as my imagination but you can pick anyone who suits your guy!
Let me know who your favourite character is so far!

Thoughts on Greyson anyone? I'm using Ian Somerhalder as my imagination but you can pick anyone who suits your guy! Let me know who your favourite character is so far!

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