Fuzzy Wuzzy

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Alex's P.O.V:

My phone beeps letting me know I've just received a text message from someone. I unlock my phone to find a message from Jesy, one of my girlfriends best friend and band-mate.

'Please come outside and help me. Pez doesn't believe that this is her house' it says which makes me feel a little worried. How drunk is my girl?

'I'll be right there!' i respond before pulling on some joggers and a t-shirt and going downstairs to help Jesy out.

I open the front door to find Jesy struggling to get Perrie out of the taxi.

"I don't live here. You can't leave me here." Perrie screeches while trying her best to get her friend off of her.

Within seconds, i am by the taxi and immediately see an extremely drunk Perrie and a very stressed looking Jesy.

"Thank goodness you're here! She has been a nightmare from the minute we left the club!" Jesy exclaims, rubbing her forehead.

"I'm so sorry Alex, i guess its kinda my fault. It's just been a while since we've all been out together you know, since Christmas break and everyone going on holiday so we were all just having fun and i was practically forcing her to drink in the beginning. But before i knew it, she was drinking everything there." Jesy sighed before moving out of the way so i could get Perrie from the taxi.

"It's fine Jesy honestly. Thank you for looking after her and bringing her home safely." I said gratefully while pulling Perrie into my arms. Thankfully, she lets me.

"Don't worry about it. Just for a word of warning, don't take Fuzzy Wuzzy off her. I made that mistake and she almost cried." Jesy warns me and i look at her in confusion.

"Fuzzy what?" I start to question before Perrie cuts me off.

"Hey, you are handsome." she says with a giggle.

"And you are drunk." i say as a matter of fact.

"No, i'm Perrie and this is Fuzzy Wuzzy." she replies before something soft is shoved in my face.

Perrie grins at me while holding up a little colourful puppy. She stares at me for a moment as if she's waiting for me to say something before she brings the puppy back towards her and begins to snuggle with it.

"He lives with me now." she states, kissing it on the nose.

"I'll leave you to it. Tell her to text me when she's feeling better. She's gonna have one hell of a hangover in the morning." Jesy smiles before she climbs into the front of the taxi.

"Will do. Thanks again. Goodbye now." I reply before the taxi pulls away.

"Come on. Lets get you inside." I say to Perrie, carefully picking her up and carrying her into the house. Due to her lack of help, i close the door with difficulty. It's not that she's heavy, but the position she's in makes it harder for me to close the door and lock it without dropping her on the floor.

I carry her into the living room, placing her onto the sofa before leaving to get her a glass of water.

When i return, i see Perrie struggling to take her shoes off while she has Fuzzy Wuzzy in her hand.

"Here, let me help you. " I say reaching for 'Fuzzy Wuzzy'.

"NO ALEX. YOU BIG MEANY." Aria shouts before she flings herself onto the other side of the sofa, trying to get away from me.

"At least you remember my name" i mumble to myself before talking to her "I'm sorry, how about you hold Fuzzy Wuzzy and i'll take your shoes off?" I ask her.

She waits for a moment before she finally nods her head.

I remove Perrie's shoes before handing her the glass of water, helping her to take a sip so she doesn't spill it all over herself.

"Good girl, drink it all up." i encourage her and to my surprise, she drinks the whole glass without any complaints.

"Let's get you to bed now." I say picking up Perrie and carrying her up the stairs and to our room. She holds her stuffed animal close to her the whole time, ensuring she doesn't leave it behind.

I sit her down on the bed and within seconds, she lays back and begins to pull the covers over her.

"No babe, you need to get changed. You can't sleep with a dress on, you'll be uncomfortable all night." i tell her, helping her to sit up again.

"Here, you can wear my t-shirt." i offer, pulling the one i'm currently wearing over my head.

"I don't think my boyfriend Alex will be very happy about this." she says, looking away from me.

"Babe, i am your boyfriend Alex." i grin which makes her smile.

"WOW, I HIT THE JACKPOT." she screams, scaring the life out of me.

I laugh to myself at how cute she is before i help her to change out of her dress and into my t-shirt before settling her into bed.

Once she's in, i go to grab a bucket from the cupboard and place it on her bedside table before i climb in next to her and pulling the covers over us.

Just as i'm about to wrap my arms around her as i usually do, i get a gob-full of hair.

Perrie has moved her body so that shes fully lying on top of me.

"Pez, i cant breathe, you have your hair in my mouth." I tell her before i hear her gasp.

"My pillow can talk?" She questions and it takes everything in me, to stop me from laughing.

"Perrie, i'm Alex." I grin while moving her slightly off me so that i can breathe properly.

"Allllex?" she questions looking at me with her big beautiful, blue eyes.

"Yes, Alex." I confirm as she stares at me.

"Do you wuv Fuzzy Wuzzy?" She wonders.

"Yes. i love Fuzzy Wuzzy. But do you know who i love more?" I ask her while stroking her soft hair.

"Who?" She questions before a cute little yawn escapes her mouth.

"You." I reply placing my free hand onto her face.

She stares at me for a moment before her eyes fill with tears and suddenly i'm worried.

"What's wrong shweetheart?" I asked concerned.

"I'm so sorry Alex." She replies making me feel even more confused than before.

"Why are you sorry baby?" I ask her softly.

"Because i wuv Fuzzy Wuzzy more than you." She says as a tear escapes her eye.

I can't help but smile at how adorable and cute she is while she's drunk. I reach over and rub the fallen tear from her face.

"That's okay. I still love you. Let's get some sleep now." I tell her before i gently pull her so that she is lying on my chest.

"I wuv you Alex. I wuv wuv you Fuzzy Wuzzy." Perrie says before she relaxes in my arms and falls to sleep.

I can't wipe the smile off of my face while i think about how cute she is and even though i'm glad she had a good night with the girls, i already know she's going to regret it in the morning.

Accidentally posted this a day late but better late than never, right?
Also can you believe that one week today, we're getting the lead single for lm5?!?!

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