First date nerves

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Perrie's pov:

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shhhhittt, shit, shit..."

I wasn't usually the type of person to swear, but this was a special (and extremely nerve racking) occasion. The one and only Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain asked me out last week and the evening had quickly arrived.

Stupid me had left everything to last minute so now there was clothes thrown all over my room while my three best friends were trying to help me pick something to wear by critiquing each outfit i tried on.

"What am i going to do? I have nothing to wear! Oh gosh. Maybe i should just cancel?" I blabbed, coming to the conclusion that it would be best to reschedule.

"Perrie it's as if this was unexpected to you..." Jesy complained as i threw the tenth outfit on the floor to join the others.

"Jesy, this is incredibly unexpected! This man is extremely handsome and brilliant and nothing i wear is going to look remotely good next to him." i sign, throwing myself back on my bed.

"Perrie Louise Edwards, get your ass of that bed and put that damn dress on woman! You're brilliant and beautiful and we all seen the way he was looking at you when you walked into that club last week. Gosh, i wish you had more self-confidence in yourself. Thank goodness you have us three to remind you just how amazing you are!" Jesy compliments me before she pulls me off my bed, handing me the dress i had just yanked off of my body.

"I agree. That dress was my favourite out of the all the other things you tried on. You look incredible." Leigh-Anne agrees.

"For sure you do. Now get back into the bathroom and put the dress back on so we can help do your hair." Jade adds which finally convinces me.

I give them one last glance which gains reassuring smiles off all three girls before i wonder back into my bathroom to get redressed again.

After a few minutes, i returned to my bedroom where the girls were all waiting for me. "You look stunning, we didn't hardly get a look before you were taking it off again before..." Jade drifts off as she takes in my appearance.

"You sure, you're not just saying that because we've been back and forth on outfit choices for two hours are you?" i wonder as i look over myself in the mirror once again.

"No, I'm not, although I'm sure that factors into the decision somewhat. Then again, you could wear a bin bag and it would take us three to pick Alex's jaw up from the floor." Jade responds which makes us all giggle.

Alex's pov:

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shhhhittt, shit, shit, SHIT!"

"For goodness sakes Alex, will you hurry up and pick something to wear. I have places i need to be! You know, my own date that i'm going to be late for if you don't get a move on." my best friend Matt groans.

"Alex, it's a date, why are you stressing so much?" he wonders once he sees me pacing around my room as I continue to ignore him, .

"Matt, it's Perrie freaking Edwards! Of course I'm stressed! You have seen her right... I don't even know why i asked her out or why she even agreed to be honest. She has like ten million people who would give her the world if she asked." I exclaim which makes Matt roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Well there's a reason she agreed to go out with you. She obviously doesn't want anyone else. Now man up and get your damn shoes on, you're going to be late to pick her up." Matt replies which makes my eyes almost pop out of my head.

"It's time already? Oh gosh, i'm not ready!" i respond, rushing to my closet to grab my shoes.

"For goodness sake, mate. She's probably just as worried as you are, I mean I've spoken to Jesy and let's just say there is mutual disbelief about this date happening." Matt tells me which relaxes me just a tiny bit.

"Fine, but it doesn't stop me being nervous... Okay, i think i'm ready." i say, checking myself in the mirror one last time to check my shoes match my outfit.

"You look great man, now lets go. Georgie is going to be mad if i'm late for our reservations." Matt says as we finally make our way out of my house.

Third Person:

Having finally decided upon a simple grey suite, a black dress shirt and a skinny grey tie, Alex stood as confidently as he could outside of Perrie's house.

That confidence soon disappeared as the door was pulled open and Perrie stood there looking absolutely stunning.

The second Perrie saw Alex, her mouth became dry and the nerves she'd managed to push down over the last hour, bubbled back up to the surface.

Both of them seemed surprisingly interested in their shoes as they came face to face, taking sneaky appreciative glances at each other.

First to break the silence was Perrie, carefully whispering a sweet "Hi".

Replying with an equally quiet "Hi", that only the two of them could hear, Alex was lost for any other words, wondering if it were possible to go a whole evening in stunned silent awe.

Alerrie One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ