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Perrie's P.O.V:

I tiredly wait for the elevator doors to open, wanting nothing more than to be in the nice, warm bed that is waiting in my apartment for me.

Even from the bottom floor, i can hear it calling my name.

Today has been one of the worst days I've ever had and i'm hoping that once i'm tucked inside my covers, nothing else could possibly go wrong.

From the moment i woke up - 20 minutes late due to my alarm clock not going off - my day has been a disaster.

I internally groan as i watch the numbers of the elevator slowly going down. I adore my cute little apartment but i don't know what processed me to rent one on the top floor. I can't wait until i move into my first proper house in a couple of months time.

The elevator finally dings and the doors open, a few people coming out.

I step inside and press the button for the top floor, glad that in about five minutes, i'll be able to put on my pj's and crawl into bed.

Just as the doors are closing, a young man quickly steps into the elevator with me. He gives me a little smile before he presses his floor number. I'm surprised to see he lives in the floor under me since I've never seen him before.

Finally the doors close and we begin our journey to our floors. The elevator is quiet but surprisingly, it's not too awkward.

The elevator comes to a stop and i step back, thinking that someone must be coming in but i'm confused when the door doesn't open.

"What the-?" i ask myself, leaning forward to press my floor button again, hoping the elevator will begin to move but my heart drops and i let out a scream when the lights go out.

"Hey, it's okay. We're just stuck." the man speaks into the darkness, making me jump as during my panic, i completely forgot he was here.

"Well done, Einstein!" I hadn't guessed that." i reply, rolling my eyes.

I mentally slap myself when i realise how rude i'm being. It isn't his fault and i shouldn't take my anger out on him.

"I'm sorry. I just haven't had a very good day. What should we do?" i ask him.

"We should try calling reception. Just hang tight and i'll give them a ring." he tells me. I hear a beep and i can only assume that he pressed the button for 'customer service.

After a couple of buzzing sounds, we hear a voice.

"Customer service, how can i help?" the woman questions.

"Hi there. Erm, we're stuck in the lift. We tried pressing a button but it still doesn't seem to want to move." the man tells her, referring to when i pressed my floor number before the lights went off.

"Okay. How many people are in the lift?" she wonders.

"There is two of us here." the man replies.

"Alright. We have called the fire service. Are you both okay?" she asks us.

"We're alright." we both respond but to be truthful, i am panicking like crazy on the inside. I don't do good with tight spaces to begin with and now i'm stuck in the middle of the apartment building, having no clue how long it's going to be until we get out.

"The fire brigades are on their way." the women lets us know but all of a sudden, the sound goes fuzzy before it's cut off.

"Oh no. Now what are we going to do? We don't know how long the fire service is going to be and now we cant talk to anyone. Why is this happening?" i ramble before i feel a soft hand taking a hold of mine.

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