Christmas fun

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Eight month old Finn took off crawling across the living room. He was determined to get to the large Christmas tree presented in the middle, before anyone caught him.

Perrie watched from the doorway of the dining room, standing back so the little one couldn't see her.

The first thing he did when he reached his destination, was rip off all the ornaments on the tree that he could reach, dropping them onto the floor besides him.

Seconds later, his little hands went for the packages under the tree and he sat on his bottom, staring intently at the colourful wrapping paper.

Alex came up behind Perrie, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her smug against him. "You're not going to try and stop him?" he wondered.

"Not yet." she replied as they continued to watch their son try to work out how to open the present.

Leo was determined to work it out, flipping the package over, searching for a way to get the paper loose. Alex chuckled at their pride and joy.

"Determined, isn't he?" Alex spoke, earning a small laugh from Perrie.

"Yeah, i don't know where he would get that from." she shrugged, glancing at her husband.

He pressed a kiss against her forehead before replying "mummy."

"You're one to talk." Perrie defended, remembering those times Alex had gotten injured during a football match and how he didn't give up until he was fit as can be.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when a little giggle filled the air as Finn finally ripped a piece of the wrapping paper.

"Should i be the bad guy?" Alex wonders, knowing there is still two days to go until Christmas.

"No, it's alright. He's having fun." Perrie assured him as she watched their boy with a smile.

They watched as Finn ripped another piece of the wrapping paper, throwing it down beside him before he went for a third.

"Are you going to let him unwrap the entire thing? Do i need to remind you that it isn't quite Christmas yet." Alex questioned, raising his eyebrows at his wife.

"I'll re-wrap it." Perrie says but it was when their son went for another package, Perrie freed herself from Alex's arms and made her way over to where her son was was having the time of his life.

"Finn." she called softly. "What are you doing, baby?"

The dark, curly haired baby boy looked up at her and smiled sweetly. "Mama." he called, reaching up to his mother.

"So much for letting him have fun." Alex teased as he walked over to join his little family.

Perrie looked up at her husband, their baby boy now in her arms. "That was your present. Do you want the surprise to be spoiled?" she smirks.

"A little sneak peak wouldn't hurt, now would it?" Alex chuckled as he leaned forward to place a kiss on his sons forehead, just as he had to his wife earlier.

Perrie sat down on the floor with Finn, focusing his attention back on the first package and moving Alex's out of sight.

"Here baby. This one is yours." Perrie smiles at Finn, enocuraging him to continue opening it.

Within seconds, the baby's hands started grabbing at the ripped paper.

Alex sat on the floor next to him.

"If you let him open them all, you're going to have a lot of re wrapping to do in a limited amount of time." Alex warned her.

"Don't be such a Grinch. He can open one. This is his first Christmas and i want him to enjoy it. We're never going to have this moment with him again." Perrie replies, rolling her eyes playfully.

Alex put his hands up in defence before he smiled, watching the two most important people in his life having fun together. 

Within minutes, the baby was rewarded with a fluffy, pup teddy which he immediately pulled towards him, resting his head on the fur.

Perrie leaned down to place a kiss on the top of Finn's head before she leaned over to kiss Alex softly on the lips.

"I love you." she smiles, once they pulled back from each other.

"I love you." Alex responds before another giggle echoed across the room as Finn reached up to touch his daddy's face.

"Dada." Finn smiles.

Alex kissed his little hand. "I love you, too, little man."

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