Chapter 1

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In the Book POV

Hope found herself alone in the forest. She couldnt found her mother, her father, her grandparents, and many many others. Hope had alot of people who loved her very much, but now they were gone. It was her grandmother's ball for the villagers and someone had ruin the party. All Hope could remember was her mother told her to run. Now here she was. All alone in the forest in a pink ball gown. Hope was scared she had never been on her own. Though she knew she had to find her way back to her family before it was too late and she knew just where to go.

Hope's POV

Again the same dream where Im all alone in a ball gown in the forest. I got up and looked out the window Storybrooke was always beautiful at 7:15 am. As always I got dressed and went for my morning walk around the town. I walke inside Granny's for my morning coffee run.

"Good Morning Hope. The same as usual?" Granny asks.

"Good Morning Granny and yes the usual please." I say.

"Well here you go and you have a wonderfully day." Granny says.

I took the coffee and headed to the sheriff station and I went inside to talk to David Nolan and Rogers.

"Good Morning Detective Rogers. Good Morning Sheriff Nolan." I say and hand them their coffees.

"Thanks Hope." David says.

"Yeah thanks Hope. You really are a sweet girl." Rogers says.

"Thanks. Well I'll see you two later. I better go before Im late." I say.

I left the sheriffs office and headed to the pawnshop. I snuck in slowly when I stopped by Weaver Gold.

"Miss.Jones what do you think your doing?" Weaver asks.

"Im sorry Mr.Gold. I just cant stop thinking about that ship replica. I know I have asked before, but could you lower the price?" I ask.

"Why? Why do you want this so bad?" He asks.

"Cause I remember when I was lost and Rogers found me trying to keep me awake. He told me a story about a Pirate and a Princess. This ship just reminds me off that story." I say.

"In that case.....No." He says.

"Okay. Sorry to bother you." I say.

I walked out slowly and frowned its odd to live here and have so many and yet feel alone. I mean I know people and they like me I just cant help, but feel like Im missing something.

In the Book POV

Hope knew who she had to get to the only problem was she wasnt sure how to get there. She headed through the forest that she hopes would lead her the way when an arrow almost hit her.

"Hey watch it.... Wait.... Robyn?" Hope questions.

"Oh Hope Im so sorry. Im on the night shift. Wait why are you all the way out here and where's Alice and the rest of your family?" Robyn asks as she lowered her bow.

"Thats the thing I have to get to Regina and Henry. My family was attacked at the ball. I dont really remember much other then my mom yelling at me to run." Hope says.

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