✓ | eighteen

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corbyn hit the call button next to paris' contact. he sat in the back room of the bus tapping his foot waiting for her to answer.

"hello." she said into the phone.

"hey i wanted to see if you're okay." he said to the girl. he could here her sniffle before sighing.

"i don't know." she told him.

"paris you know you can tell me anything." he told her.

"no, not this corbyn. not now." dhe said about to cry again.

"why? i'm serious paris." he said. he bit his lip waiting for her response.

"and i'm serious when i say i can't tell you!" she yelled into the phone. corbyn was shocked that she yelled at him. "it's not a good time!"

"then when will it be a good time?" he asked.

"i don't know corbyn! how would i know?" she yelled again, tears forming in her eyes for the millionth time that night.

"i don't understand why this has to be so hard!" he yelled at girl. by this point the rest of the boys looked at the back room. he never yells.

  but paris was one more sentence away from crying.

"it doesn't! i just don't know yet corbyn! if you're gonna be such a jerk about it then just leave me alone!" she yelled as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"you know what? i will! i won't bother to talk to you, considering you don't wanna talk to me!" he yelled as tears threatened to fall down his face as well.

"you do that, but don't come back to me." paris told him crying. without another second she hung up the call. corbyn sighed as he let his phone fall out if his hands into the ground.

he stood up and opened the door. he walked out without a word to anyone. he knew what he just did was a mistake, a huge one. he sat down on the couch next to jonah.

he stared across at the seat. slowly but surely, tears rolled down his cheeks. corbyn put his hand through his hair as he let out a shaky breath.

"are you okay?" jonah asked corbyn without looking at him.

"she hates me. she hates me so much jonah." corbyn told him as his voice broke. he looked at jonah with his once joyful eyes, that were now dull and gray.

"how could she hate you?" jonah said as he turned his head to the blonde.

"jonah, i yelled at her. i never yell at anyone out of anger, or anything really. do you know how much i probably hurt her." he told him. corbyn shook his head at looked at the seat again. "i'm a horrible friend."

"hey, it's going to be okay. she'll come back to you when she's ready. just go and get some sleep, you need it." he told him sighing. corbyn nodded and stood up.

  he went straight to his bunk and laid down. for a while he just laid there crying. he was tired, he knew she couldn't hear him, but he had to say it somehow. before corbyn closed his eyes for the last time that night he whispered something he should've told her instead of yelling at her.

"i love you paris."

meanwhile, paris was crying on her bed feeling bad that she snapped at corbyn. he didn't deserve it. she was surprised when he yelled back. he's never yelled at her before. corbyn probably hated her so much.

paris hated herself for telling him everything she said. it was wrong. more than anything she wished  she could tell him one thing. i love you.

✓ | 𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄! | 𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐘𝐍 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now