✓ | fifty six

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a small knock placed on zach's door and he got up to get it. when the door opened he opened it to reveal paris, standing with a huge smile spread across her face.

"paris!" zach cheered and went to hug her, which she gladly accepted. "how come you came here first?"

"first one i could find." she shrugged. zach laughed at her and motioned for her to come in.

"zach who was at the door?" mrs. herron yelled from another room of the house.

"a friend!" zach replied. soon his mom came rushing into the room to see paris standing there.

"girlfriend?" she asked.

"no, this is corbyn's girlfriend." zach announced proudly, which caused him a slap on the arm.

"i'm not corbyn's girlfriend. i'm paris." paris spoke to mama herron, shaking her hand.

"should be." zach said quietly.

"well it's nice to meet you paris." she smiled. paris smiled back as she pulled her hand away.

"well how about we go to my room and catch up for a bit? then we'll go head over to corbyns." zach suggested. paris turned to the rosy boy and a huge smile grew on her face.

"sure!" she exclaimed. if she was being honest, she couldn't even wait any longer to see corbyn. zach smiled too as he took paris's hand to lead her into his room.

"so, i'll have to ask corbyn if he's home, because if he's not then we'll have to wait to see him." zach said sitting on his bed. paris put her hands on her hips as she took a quick glance around his room, then focused on what he was saying.

"okay, then text him, call him, whatever i want to see him!" paris said as she face planted onto zach's bed.

"okay, ok geez." zach joked. zach picked up his phone and unlocked it, clicking on his messages app. he quickly found his and corbyn's conversation and immediately starting typing.


hey corbyn are you home?


zach looked up from his phone to look at paris who was anxiously awaiting an answer. right as zach opened his mouth to tell her he had texted him, a ding came through on zach's phone, causing him to pick it up again.


yeah, how come?

"is it corbyn?" paris asked. zach nodded at her and paris smiled. "what did he say?"

"he's home. want to head over now?" zach asked.

"duh!" paris answered. zach laughed as he looked back at his phone to type a response to corbyn.

i'm coming over, i have a surprise for you.


after zach sent that text, he and paris got their shoes on to walk to corbyn's. paris was too excited for words to express how she felt at the time. she felt as if she'd explode of excitement, figuratively of course. as they started to approach the besson apartment, paris had trouble keeping a smile from appearing onto her face.

"excited?" zach sarcastically asked already knowing the answer.

paris laughed. "maybe a little." she answered.

once they were standing in front of the door of the small apartment, paris knew it was only a matter of seconds till she saw corbyn. she imagined the way his face would light up when he saw her, smiling happily and embracing her into a hug. zach knocked on the door and then the two waited. footsteps could be heard walking to the door, then they stopped.

paris watched as whoever was opening the door twisted the door handle.

the door opened and paris saw a confused corbyn at the door. His eyes widened as he realized who was at the door. "oh my god."

"hi?" paris said sheepishly. corbyn immediately walked out of his door and hugged the girl as tight as he could. Paris hugged back and enjoyed his embrace.

"i missed you so much, you don't even know." corbyn spoke, not letting go of the girl in front of him.

"i missed you too." She replied.

"we came just in time for the reunion!" daniel yelled from down the hallway. paris looked over to see her other three friends walking towards them.

"hi!" she cheered excitedly. she quickly ran over towards the three to hug them.

"finally we get that coris reunion, though." jack said. corbyn blushed a deep pink, and paris rolled her eyes.

"shut up." She replied.

"not until you date!" zach yelled.

"zach!" corbyn exclaimed.

"aw, they love each other." jonah cooed. "let's go do something other than bug corbyn and paris about their relationship."

"aw, but that's fun." daniel whined.

"it is not." corbyn said.

"is too." jonah said, walking past corbyn and zach to leave the building.

"is not!" paris yelled running after her friend.

"but it is." daniel yelled as well, chasing after the two.

"hey! wait up for us!" zach yelled running after all of them. jack and corbyn chased after their four friends down the hallway.

when corbyn first saw paris in front of his door, he wanted to hug her for forever and never let her go. although he couldn't do that, he knew he should tell her soon how he felt. he was planning on doing it over text but now that he knew she was in LA, he could do it in person.

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