Pineapple Pizza

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*Your P.O.V*

It was only 9 at night and I was just watching an episode of Friends. I was having a night in with myself because I'm hella lame.

I had a glass of milk right next to me and I had chocolate covered pretzels in a bowl in front of me.

It's so casual.

Plus, it's so obvious on how I'm also wearing my pajamas.

While I was enjoying the episode that I was watching, I heard my phone make a sound indicating that I got a text message. It was from my boyfriend, Dean.

And I read the message.

MyHandsomeBoy💙: Can you open the balcony door to your room?

I was taken back at the message but then got off of my bed and then went to the door that would lead to the balcony that I had.

Then when I had opened it, there was indeed Dean and he was holding a picnic basket.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked.

I was just surprised that he was here. I didn't mind if he was here but I was just shocked to see him.

"I was feeling a bit lonely and had thought, "what should I do?" So I then knew that I had to go see you. Plus, I knew today was your night in or least one of them so I brought some food with me and we can enjoy some time together." He said.

Awww, he's so sweet.

"So what you bring?" I ask.

"For one, I knew that your favorite pizza is the pineapple one so I brought one of those. I also had brought some chips because why not?" He shrugged.

I shrugged along with him.

"I also got some chocolate covered strawberries. They can go with the chocolate covered pretzels that you have." He said, noticing the bowl full with pretzels.

"I can have my night in with you." I said giving him a hug.

"I figured." He smiled.

So we did get everything situated. He took off his shoes, and got comfortable. Meaning that he went and put on the sweatpants that he always leaves at my house. Then we both got into the bed.

We had put the chocolate covered strawberries in a bowl. We even had to get a bottle of soda because I was drinking milk before hand and I didn't want to just have milk now that he was here.

So now we have Sprite.

"Thank you for coming." I told him as we continued to watch Friends.

"Your very welcome. I missed you so I wanted to stop by." He said.

I smiled at him.

"Also how were you able to get a pizza this late?"

"The pizza place is always open, darling. Plus, it was around 8 when I got it so it's always opened. It's even always opened when I just get one for myself sometimes." He said eating a slice.

"Good enough." I said and ate my slice of pizza as well.

"Will you sleeping here as well?"  I then asked.

He looked at me.

"Why would I just come here and offer some pizza and have a good time with you and then leave? I know Troy Bolton did that in High School Musical 3 But I'm not him. I'm here to stay here until the next morning." He said.

I love how he added that high school musical reference. It makes me know how much he pays attention to me and what I watch.

"I am glad that you are staying the night." I smiled at him and that made him smile as well.

"Plus, I love staying here and having alone time with you. I'm comfortable and just being here with you makes everything better."

I smiled at what he said and then leaned in and gave him a kiss. He kissed me back and we were kissing for a bit until we both pulled away.

"I love kissing you." He said and that made me laugh.

But it was something that I always knew.

"I love kissing you too." I said and then pecked his lips.

"So how do you deal with the fact that some people don't think that pineapple doesn't belong on pizza?" He asked.

I love how he asks the most random questions ever.

"People have opinions. But I just wanna say that pineapple is the only fruit that makes sense to be on a pizza. Plus, it's a new flavor being added. It's sweet because of the pineapple and saucy just because of the pizza sauce. Plus the cheese being added to it. I just feel like it's a great combination. I love it a lot and I don't care what anyone says." I said.

Pineapple pizza is my favorite kind of pizza ever.

I love it a lot and I can always eat it.

Plus, it's great that Dean loves this kind of pizza as well.

"I gotta admit, it's great too and it's always something I had thought of." He shrugged.

"Thank you for bringing the pizza over. You're amazing." I said.

"Anything for you, darling." He said making me smile and then gave me a soft kiss.

I'm lucky to have him and this night couldn't be any more better.

Staying up with my man is the best thing ever.


Hey guys, here is another imagine.

I'm sorry that this imagine is a bit short but it's okay because I do promise to do better for next weeks imagine.

I swear, I was thinking of pineapple pizza and then five minutes later I started writing this imagine.

It's a bit random but I kinda do love the random imagines so there's that.

I'm one of those people who think that pineapple does belong on pizza and I don't care what anyone says. We all have opinions.

I just don't need this to turn into world war 3 because of a stupid question on if pineapple belongs on pizza or not, even though I think it does.

I love Hawaiian pizza, I always wanna order it. I just love it.

I also wanna say that I'm actually having Hawaiian pizza for dinner. Yup, putting it in the oven and it's in the oven already and I'll enjoy it while I'm watching NXT or maybe I'll be done with it before NXT starts, who knows.

Also you guys can give me ideas on what to write. You guys are jus being quiet lately and I don't know why. Don't be shy to say something.

Give me some ideas and also give me an idea on what should be the first series of this book. I could use some help on that.

But anyway, I hope you liked this imagine.

Vote, read and tell your friends and stay tuned for the next imagine.!!!

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