He Turns Heel (Part 3)

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*Your P.O.V*

I was at Monday Night Raw and I have no idea on how this will work out.

I had been told that I was starting the show so that I can find out what happened with Dean.

Cause remember, Seth wasn't the only person Dean turned on. He turned on me as well.

I would've went out with Seth, since I'm his manager now, but WWE didn't want me to do that so I'm going out by myself.

"Hey, how you holding up?" Seth came up to me.

"I feel heartbroken. I can't believe he broke up with me." I said with a sad tone.

"I think he's letting this all get to his head. I don't know why he did what he did but I do plan on finding out later. For now, you gotta do the same cause the show is about to start." Seth said giving me a hug.

"He has insisted that I have fun managing you." I said.

"Just let that go right now." He said serious.

"Okay, I will."

Seth gave me a smile and then walked away.

Seth knew about the breakup between Dean and I and he's been helping me a lot. He's been checking to see if I was okay and it was sweet of him.

I took a couple of deep breaths and I waited till I had to go out in front of a live audience.

The fireworks went off and I can hear the crowd. They're so loud and I love it.

Then I heard my music play and I waited for a minute and then went into the ring.

The crowd was cheering for me and chanting my name. I love the sound when they do that.

I was handed a microphone and tapped it a few times.

The crowd begin to quiet down a bit so that I was able to talk.

"Well first off, I wanna say welcome to Monday Night Raw." I said and the crowd cheered.

"Okay, let's get down to business. Last week, one of my clients turned on my other clients. Dean Ambrose turned on Seth Rollins. Now I'm not sure why he did what he did and I'm also not so sure why he went too far in leaving me at the curb." I said and the crowd booed.

"Dean Ambrose took my heart and stomped it with his own feet and laughed. This was probably just a game to him. But for me, I don't play them. I win them." I said serious and the crowd cheered at my response.

"I just wanna know what happened. What did I do wrong? Why did he turn his back on me and on Seth? Why? Why? Why?" I said with so much venom.

"Dean Ambrose, get your ass out here." I yelled.

Yeah, I'm pretty angry.

I was just waiting for Dean to come out but he didn't come out.

I was confused.

"Quit hiding Dean." I said.

I was even looking around the arena and he was nowhere in sight. Is he really trying to piss me off?

But then I saw the titantron.

It was of him and I. It was a picture and it was ripped in half.

"What's the point anymore, (Y/N)? What is it? Tell me what it is.?"

"Listen up sweetheart. Let's be real for a second. Where did this even begun?" Dean asked in a camera.

I am so confused just watching this video.

But then there's a video of Dean and I from a while ago, before he got injured.

"So, I was thinking that maybe when we get done with this, that's we can go back to the hotel room..." Dean said.

"But what about Roman and Seth?" I asked.

"Who cares about them? The only thing that matters is us. It's always been us."

I don't remember this conversation.

"Come on, it'll be fun. No one has to know. It'll be our secret."

Holy shit, now I remember.

"You can be my dirty little secret." Dean whispered.

I cannot believe he is sharing this to the entire world.

"Why don't you stop talking and start seeing? I know when I came back, you didn't care that much about me. It was written all over your face. You were there with Seth when he was with Jason Jordan, then when he was IC champ at Wrestlemania, and then when it came to Summerslam, you were grateful to have me back since you knew you couldn't do anything. Wake up (Y/N). Seth. Seth... that's your boy. You worried about him more than me when I was at our house, trying to get better just so that I can come back here and do what I love to do. You're just like everyone else." He spat.

"This is your fault. You wanted all of this and what about me? You didn't care. That's why I don't care either anymore. I don't care about you, or Seth, or Roman. Or anyone. I'm done with your crap." He yelled.

"What happened last year, yeah, I gotta say... you weren't good enough. You messed up. You messed up big time. This is your reality (Y/N) and the scariest thing about your reality is me." He yelled.

When he was done taking, a lot of other pictures of us came up and were split in half and then it cut off.

He just fucking revealed what happened that day. What is he trying to do?

Is this my reality?

I dropped the microphone and then ran backstage. Dean took this too far. He pretty much said in front of everyone that I wasn't good enough and gave him horrible sex. My lord.

I saw Seth coming up to me looking worried.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I shook my head quickly.

"No I'm not. I'm leaving." I said.

"Okay, I'll be back to the hotel to check on you." He said and I walked away.

I wanna forget everything.


Hey guys, so here's another imagine.

I am pretty darn sure that this is becoming a little series and I am actually enjoying writing this.

This series isn't gonna be long. What should happen next?

Okay, so should I also write some Christmas imagines like I did last year? And If I do, which ones should I write?

I don't have much to say but I hope you guys liked this imagine.

Vote, read and tell your friends and stay tuned for the next imagine.!!!!

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