Valentine's Day Surprise

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*Your P.O.V*

So one of my favorite holidays is tomorrow. Wanna take a guess at hat it could be?


If you guessed Valentine's Day then you are correct. It's another holiday where I love to spend time with Dean.

Dean is my boyfriend of course and he was coming tomorrow so that we can spend the day together.

I'm glad that he has the day off so we can have some alone time.

Usually when it's Valentine's Day, Dean and I would have takeout food while we are watching a movie. We actually do watch the movie 'Valentine's Day' and some other romantic movies as well.

We do a lot of cuddling and of course, a lot of kissing as well.

Cause I mean, what couple doesn't kiss on Valentine's Day? Whoever doesn't are complete weirdos.

I'm just super excited to be spending the holiday with my man.

I hope to marry him someday.

We've been dating for three years and we have talked about marriage before. We both know that we want a future with each other and it makes me happy that he feels the same way.

I'm getting all the excitement for tomorrow. I can't stop smiling.

So while I was preparing myself some Mac and cheese, I heard my phone go off.

I wonder who it is?

I went over to my phone to see that it's Dean calling me. Hmmm, wonder what it's about?

I pressed the answer button and then just said my greeting.

"Hi babe." I said.

"Hey, baby. I gotta talk to you about something."

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" I asked.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I'll be home tomorrow. Apparently I have some meeting that I have to go to so I won't be home in time for Valentine's Day." He said sadly, on the other line.

I felt the sadness hit me.

He won't be coming home tomorrow.

"Are you okay, baby?" He asked.

I didn't want to cry right now. I hate crying in front of him and it will make him feel bad.

"I will be. But I understand that this is what you have to do and I'm not gonna take it away from you." I said.

I know he can feel the sad tone in my voice.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise." He said softly.

"I understand babe."

"Okay so I now have to get back to work. I'll talk to you later tonight. I love you."

"I love you too." I said.

We said goodbye one more time and then we hung up.

Now I'm not that excited for Valentine's Day. I was so happy about tomorrow and with my boyfriend not coming home, I don't really care for it anymore.

I just sighed.

I finished making my Mac and cheese and then just sit on the couch in the living room.

I'll just watch movies by myself. I'm gonna go watch the movie, A Walk to Remember and just cry because that's all I wanna do right now.


|The Next Day|

So I was just sleeping in my bed, where it was so peaceful and quiet until I was being shaken by someone.

Who is interrupting my beauty sleep?

I wanted to ignore the shaking that someone was giving me but whoever it was, kept trying to wake me up.

I just wanted to be sleeping still.

I finally decided to wake up and see what the fuss is about. I wake up and there is Dean in front of me.

"Surprise." He said with a smile on his face.

"What- how?" I asked.

"I thought you wouldn't be able to make it." I then added.

"Yeah, I lied about that. I wanted to surprise you today. Did I do a good job?"

I nodded and got out of bed to be near him.

"I'm so happy you are here."

"I am too and I got you some stuff as well." He said and then went out of the room.

He came back into the room with a big teddy bear and some other things.

"I got you a big teddy bear, some of your favorite roses, some chocolate and even some Starbucks because I know it's your favorite. I hope you like them all."

I was smiling so big. I went over to him and then planted a kiss on his lips. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back.

"Thank you." I said once I pulled away.

"Anything for you, my dear." He winked.

I just blushed and hid my face into his chest. He has such a way with words.

"I also have one more surprise." He said and I looked at him.

What could be the surprise?

He pulled out a small box and then got down on one knee.

Oh my god, I can't believe it.

"(Y/N), I love you so very much and I would do anything for you. You make me smile, laugh, pissed off sometimes but I know you love me with your whole heart and I am just the same. I don't wanna spend the rest of my life with anyone but you. I want a Forever with you. Will you please do me the honor and marry me?" He asked.

The ring that he picked out was so beautiful. I loved it.

"Yes." I said and I could feel the tears coming.

He smiled and put the ring on my finger and then stood in front of me.

"You're going to be my wife." He smiled.

"And you're going to be my husband." I said.

He nodded at me before pulling me into a kiss.

This is a Valentine's Day that I'm never going to forget. Later that day, we ordered Chinese take out and watched a lot of romantic movies.

Then you can take a guess at what happened after.

I love Valentine's Day.


Hey guys, so here is another imagine for you all.

Valentine's Day is tomorrow so I thought why not write an imagine based off the holiday.

Last year, I blew my chance at even having a boyfriend during the holiday and I still don't have a boyfriend for the holiday this year.

I'm forever alone. I ended up buying myself some Valentine's Day stuff cause I know I ain't getting anything from anyone.

What are you guys doing for Valentine's Day? Let me know in the comments.

Also give me some ideas for imagines for this book. Just don't make them complicated.

I hope you all have a great Valentine's Day!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

I hope you all liked the imagine.

Vote, read and tell your friends and stay tuned for the next imagine.!!!

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