Where are the Christmas cookies?

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*Your P.O.V*


I just love the smell of warm cookies being baked. I took two sheet pans out of the oven and set them on the counter for them to cool.

With Christmas almost being here, I knew that I had to make some sugar cookies because those are mine and Dean's favorite. 

I am just hoping though that there will be enough for later because I won't be making another batch. With us being so busy, this is like the only chance that I get to make the sugar cookies and so I want Dean to be thankful.

While I was letting the cookies cool, I was getting all the icing that I was gonna use. I had snowman, angel, Christmas tree and ornament sugar cookies baked and so I want all of the colors to be on the cookies.

I had the bag of icings ready and I just went on my phone in the meantime to wait for the cookies to cool.

There wasn't' much on Instagram right now. I didn't need to post anything. I might post the a picture of the cookies when they're done but there's nothing else good on Instagram. I liked a few posts before going on Twitter.

I was just liking and replying to some fans on twitter. Some were asking me questions in what I'll be doing for the holidays and if I am going for the women's champion. I took my time to answer some questions.

After about twenty minutes, I checked the cookies and they were cool. So I decided to get decorating. 

I started decorating a snowman sugar cookie and I took my time with covering it with white icing and then black icing. Then I use some little candies to decorate it and I used some licorice for the scarf. 

I would do the same time for the other cookies. Just applying the color icing that is needed and then adding candy to make it look even more festive.

I like to go all out with my cookies because I like to prove that I make the best ones. Is that too cocky?

When all the cookies were done, I put them all on a plate and I went to the fridge to pull out the carton  of milk. I poured some milk into a glass and put it next to the cookies. I took my phone and snapped a picture of it and posted it on Instagram.

(Your Instagram Name): Holiday baking.

I got out of the app and actually did have one cookie while drinking my milk. It just wouldn't be great if I just poured a glass of milk for no reason without drinking it. I had to drink it. 

While I was finishing up my cookie, I heard the front door being opened and then Dean came in. He went to get some stuff from the store.

"What do we have here?" He asked placing the bag on the counter. 

"I made cookies." I said.

He went to grab one but I slapped his hand away.

"I don't think it's a good idea if you had a cookie right now. I know how you are when it comes to sugar cookies. You say you will have just one but then you end eating way more than you should and then they will be all gone." 

He put his hands up.

"I wont' do it this time. Scouts honor." He said.

I didn't know if I can believe him or not. I know him too well.

"Whatever you say. Well while you put the stuff in the bag away, I am going to take a shower." I said.

I walked away from him and went to our shared room.

I got my pajamas ready and turned on the shower. I got out of my clothes and went in the shower.

I was taking my time in this shower. I didn't wanna rush it like I always do sometimes. I wanna be able to feel the hot water on me and just completely relax. The hot water felt nice on my skin.

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