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*Your P.O.V*

I was alone at my house while Dean was out and about. He said he had some errands to do and he didn't even tell me what they were. He just told me that he was going out and that he would be back later.

I wonder what he is doing.

I hope he isn't doing something that is dangerous because I wouldn't know how to react at all and I don't want him to get hurt. I hate seeing him hurt.

So I just decided to do whatever kept me busy. I did the laundry, cleaned the living room and our bedroom because it can sometimes become a mess, thanks to Dean. I even got to make a little lunch for when he does come home and we can eat together. But then I cleaned the kitchen after I made lunch because I just don't want it dirty. 

I was now gonna do some reading because I have all the time in the world and I have the peace and quiet. It's rare for me to even get the chance to read because Dean is here and he is always creating noises. 

So I have been reading for a good half an hour until I hear the front door being opened and I see Dean is carrying something. 

It looks to be a crate.

"Hey babe." He said when he saw me.

"Hi." I said.

"I wasn't gone too long, was I?" He asked taking off his shoes.

"No you weren't. It was actually quite fine with the peace and quiet. Something that I hardly get." I tease him and he just sticks his tongue out at me.

"You love having me around." He said.

He was telling the truth but it's also true on how I love the peace and quiet.

"So what's in the crate?" I asked curious, looking at it.

"It's a surprise. Well a surprise for you." He acknowledged. 

I just titled my head at him. What is he planning? I am just all sorts of confused right now. What does he mean, it's for me?

"So I went out to do some errands and I had a little appointment. I had to go and pick you up this." He says and opens the crate.

Seconds later, a small puppy comes out of the crate and I am in awe in just how cute it looks. 

"You got me a puppy?" I squealed.

Dean was smiling at me and he knows how happy I am right now.

"I knew how bad you wanted one and since our anniversary is coming up, I thought that I'll go and get you one early." 

Dean is so sweet. I can't believe he did this for me.

"It's a boy. You can name him whatever you want." Dean told me.

Hmmmm,,, I wonder what I should name it. 

I have been wanting a dog since I was a little girl. I didn't have one at a young age because my parents couldn't afford one and we sometimes were moving quite a lot so it couldn't really happen. But now it's happening and I have no words.

"If  you can't think of a name right now then you can always decided later." Dean said.

"Oh no, I know what I'm calling him." I said and Dean looked at me.

"Which is?"

"Dixon." I said.

I have been wanting a dog just so that I can name it that name. I had always thought that name could fit any dog and looking at the small puppy in my hands, it suits him.

"That's perfect." Dean smiled.

"I have the things in the car like his food, bowls, blankets." Dean said and then went out of the house. 

"Hi, Dixon." I say to the little pup.

He is just so cute and I am just in love with how cute he is.

I take my phone and then take a picture of him and post it on my Instagram. I am sure that the fans will go wild. 

Fans always go wild and I do too sometimes so it's okay. 

Minutes later, Dean came back with bags. 

"I also went grocery shopping as well." Dean said and placed the bags on the counter.

"That's nice of you." 

Dixon followed me as I went into the kitchen. 

"I even got some toys for him."

Dean laid down all the toys, blankets and he put the food into bowls and added some water. 

"Is he going to be in the crate for now?" I asked.

"For now but then  later in the week I am going to go and find a bed that he can sleep on and he can be in our room so that we have an eye on him."

He had this all planned out.

"I can't thank you enough on how much  love this surprise. You're amazing." I said.

"I would do anything to make you happy and I love seeing a smile on your face." He smiled and then he leaned in to give me a kiss.

I kissed him back and we were in our moment until we smelled something.

We both pulled away.

"What is that smell?" He asked.

We looked around and we then saw Dixon who unfortunately pooped.

I looked over at Dean.

"You're picking that up." I said and walked away.

I can just hear Dean huff and I just giggled.

This day is amazing and it's all thank to the puppy that's walking by me.


Hey guys, Danielle here and I am back with another imagine.

But first of all, I just wanna say Happy New Year. Let's see what 2019 will bring for this book and it's future.

I am sorry that this imagine is kind of bad. I had no clue on what to write today and I had to get something out because I was going to be busy this weekend. I have a couple of parties to be at. So here is this one.

I was meaning to do a pet imagine on the first imagine book but then keep forgetting and kept doing other imagines so I finally done one on this book. 

When I was younger, I wanted a dog and wanted to name it Dixon. Then in 2017, I got my first dog but since it wasn't a boy, I named her Dixie. Then I got my second dog last year and it was a boy but he had a name that he was familiar with so we just kept it the same, which is Max. Maybe one day, I'll have a puppy on my own and name it Dixon.

I also have some news for you guys, regarding me. 

A couple days ago, I talked to a publishing company and they said that when I get my first book done, it can be published into a real book. I have been working on other projects and I can't wait to see how it becomes. I may have my first published book out this year. That's amazing and I'll continue to let you guys know how everything goes.

So I kinda don't know what to write so tell me some ideas guys. I need some ideas.

I don't have much to say so I just hope you guys enjoy this imagine.

Vote, read and tell your friends and stay tuned for the next imagine.!!

Dean Ambrose Imagines | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now