Meeting Child From Previous Relationship (Part 2)

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*Your P.O.V*

So Dean and I were on our way to the day care where Blake stays at for a couple of hours until I go and pick him up when I'm done doing things.

The drive to the day care isn't that long but it gives me some time to think.

What is Blake gonna think of Dean?

Blake doesn't know much of Dean. He may have heard me talking about Dean to some of my friends before but he never questioned much about it before because he's at a young age.

He's always in his own little world so he never bothered to ask me about this mystery man, who isn't his dad, in my life.

Blake doesn't even know about his biological dad either. His dad wanted nothing to do with me when I was pregnant so hats off to his pathetic father.

I'm just hoping that the meeting between Dean and Blake goes well and I can go home with my two favorites happily.

I don't need an argument.

So we get to the daycare and I get out of the car and Dean follows in suit.

I can see the kids are playing outside. I guess that was what they wanted to do today.

The kids sometimes play outside on days like these or they're inside.

"Mommy." I heard that sweet voice that belonged to my son.

I can see him running toward me and I lean down and then catch him into my arms when he gets closer.

"Hi buddy, are you ready to go?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Say bye to Amanda." I told him and he went to say goodbye to his babysitter who was just a few feet away from him.

"Are you ready to meet him?" I asked Dean.

"I'm like a little nervous."

I tiled my brow at him.

"Why are you be nervous?"

"Because he's your son and like what if he doesn't like me?" Dean looked at me.

I grabbed his hands and softly rubbed them.

"You'll be fine. I promise." I assured him.

He silently nodded.

Blake came back and then I crouched down to his level.

"Blake I wanna introduce you to somebody." I said and then Dean looked at the both of us.

"Blake, this is my boyfriend Dean. Dean, this my son Blake." I said.

"Nice to meet you, Blake." Dean said getting down to Blake's level.

Blake was just staring at him, not saying any words.

Now I'm starting to get nervous too. Damn you Dean.

"Hi Dean. It's nice to meet you." Blake finally said some words.

Dean smiled.

"You wanna go and get ice cream?" Dean suddenly asked which made me really shocked.

I wasn't expecting him to say that.

"Really?" Blake asked, getting all excited.

"Of course."

Dean looked over at me, as if seeing if I'm okay with it. I nodded at him.

"Let's go then." I said and then picked up Blake.

Dean Ambrose Imagines | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now