Ice Skating

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*Your P.O.V*

So Dean and I are going to be on a date. With it now being winter, we decided to do some activity that is involved with winter.

We are going ice skating.

I have been ice skating before but it's been forever since I've been on the ice so this will be interesting.

Plus, it's going to be Dean's first time doing this and I can't wait to see how this will go.

"Ready to go?" Dean asked coming out of our shared bedroom.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I said grabbing his hand.

We went out the door and he locked it. Then he lead me to the car and opened it. I got into the passenger seat and buckled my seatbelt.

Dean got into the drivers seat and buckled his seatbelt as well, then he started the engine and we were on the road.

I was wearing jeans, a maroon sweater, with a white scarf. I had my hair curled and I had a white beanie on as well. I had brought my jacket in case I might really need it and I most likely would end up needing it. I had black boots on too. The outfit went well together.

"I was thinking that after we are done ice skating, we could get some hot chocolate." Dean suggested.

"Yeah, that'll be nice." I said.

"It could be a way to keep both of us warm." He said.

"I know another way to keep us both warm." I smirked at him while we were at a red light.

The ice rink was only 15 minutes away from us.

"Are you getting ideas?" He asked and I just had to laugh.

I'm sure he would be thinking of this as well.

"I'm getting of ideas for after we are done on the ice."

"I might jump on the bandwagon right after." Dean winked.

I just giggled.

We finally made it to the ice rink. We both got out of the car and walked to the entrance.

We went inside and I can already see the ice and it looks beautiful. I definitely missed this type of scenery.

We told the people at the counter what our shoe size what and they gave us our skates.

We sat down on a bench to put them on.

"Now I know you ice skated before. But I haven't. I wonder how this will go." Dean said finishing putting his skates on.

"You'll be fine." I said.

"I'll probably start easy by using the rail. I wanna get comfortable."

I understand his reasoning because I had to do that as well when I first started but now I'm comfortable on the ice that I don't have to do it anymore.

"You ready?" I asked Dean.

"Most certainly."

So we got closer to the ice and there were a good amount of people here and skating with their loved ones.

I went on the ice and glided a bit while waiting for Dean.

Dean did get on the ice and hanged onto the edge to steady himself. It was so cute to see this sight.

"You good?" I asked.

"Never been better." He answered back.

"Take your time babe."

And that's what he did.

We talked about anything and I was just gliding while watching Dean do his best.

After about half an hour, Dean was ready to be on the ice but without the help of the edge.

"I'll stay next to you in case you fall or something." I said.

"I'll be gentle." Dean said letting go of the edge.

We did go gentle and he was gliding a bit.

"You're doing so good so far." I smiled.

Dean was smiling too and since he was looking at me, he wasn't paying attention well and then he fell.

It happened so fast.

I tried to hold back a laugh.

"Are you okay?" I asked holding my hand out to pick him up.

"Yeah, it wasn't a big deal." Dean said grabbing my hand and I picked him up.

"Let's continue shall we?" I asked and we skated around the rink while holding hands.

"We should do this more often." Dean said smiling.

"You think so?"

I was surprised to hear him say that but I can tell that he was enjoying himself and he was liking this activity.

"Yeah. It gives me quality time with you and it's a relaxing feeling. I could get used to this."

It makes me smile hearing him say that.

"Then we can do ice skating whenever you want to."

"It could be a tradition of ours every year whenever it's the winter time."

"Let's keep the tradition going then." I said and we continued to glide along the ice.

We were at the ice rink for almost two hours and I can tell that dean enjoyed himself.

We even had a race to see who can skate the fastest to one side to the other. I let him win because he was liking this.

We got off the ice and took off our skates and gave them to the people that were at the counter.

"Thank you for letting me experience what it's like to be on the ice." Dean said looking at me once we were outside.

"It's my pleasure. I would do this all over again with you." I said.

And I was telling the truth.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said back.

Then we leaned in and gave each other a kiss. A perfect night with the perfect man.

This tradition stuck with us for years and I'm thankful for it.


Hey guys, here's another imagine for you.

So now it's that time for me to write some Christmas imagines and this is one of the first.

I haven't been ice skating before but it looks to be so much fun.

What other Christmas imagines should I write? Give me some ideas.

I was able to get another imagine out before I go to the convention that I'm going to on Saturday. Lucky me.

I still wanna do a Q&A so please leave as many questions as you want in the comments section down below.

Again, if you have ideas for a Christmas imagine then let me know.

I hope you liked this imagine.

Vote, read and tell your friends and stay tuned for the next imagine.!!!

Dean Ambrose Imagines | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now