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Alright, so this is what I'm going to start off saying before you start reading the actual book, and yes, you'll probably wanna read this one.

For starters, I am very aware of how short this is going to be for promising to have it out by August and then practically posting it in September. (Although to be fair, you guys probably aren't that surprised seeing as that's 2 months since the first book came out. But to me I count it as more failure than win lol).

The reason it took so long (by my standards anyway) is because recently I fell into a bit of a pit emotionally, physically, and just generally speaking (not literally though) because I was overworking myself. I just sort of stopped taking care of myself, stopped trying in my summer classes, I stopped reading fan fiction, I pretty much just stopped living. I was breathing, but I wasn't living.

So because of that I sort of fell completely out of the spideypool fandom loop and pretty much lost touch with the sides of me that I used to write Wade and Peter. And when I lost touch with a lot of the characters I looked up to and tried to be like, I sort of just became this shell of a person who didn't know what to do in life.

Basically I had some sort of quarterlife crisis (thats what my friends ((thank the lord jesus for people that put up with my bs and force feed me)) called it but i personally think thats a rather dramatic title)

However I'm doing a lot better now that I've had a bit of a break from classes (yaaaay like a week long break...) and some time to help rebalance myself and get back on my feet.

In conclusion, this book you're about to read might be a little short compared to the last one since the last one was freakin long. Although, i like to think the fun plot of this one makes up a little for that lackluster word count. Not to mention it will help to lead into the third book I want to write for this trilogy and that will hopefully be much much longer than this one.

Hopefully you guys will enjoy this book, even if there were moments I didn't know if I could write this book. I promise you I did the best I could, and hopefully you cant see me losing energy throughout it, but a genuine effort was made to keep it something interesting and exciting for you guys.

Enjoy~ 😄

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