Chapter One

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Hi everyone! This is my newest story. I'm really excited about it! The actor at the top is Aidan, except Aidan's hair is a little shorter.

The beautiful new cover was made by Weak-Pullout-Game! I'm in love, isn't it gorgeous?? Check out their account at
Aidan's POV
Teaching Chemistry 103 was not the best place to get an boner. Luckily for me, I was sitting behind my desk grading a ton of papers. ...Well, I was supposed to be grading a ton of papers. Instead, I was fantasizing.

The boy who sat front row, three desks in, wiggled his cute butt around in his seat and propped his head on his fist. He glared down at his test and then opened his sensual mouth to nibble on the end of his pen. The fingers that gripped the pen were long and thin, and I could imagine wrapping my own fingers easily around that tiny wrist of his.

He wouldn't be hard to restrain. All too easily, I'd be able to force his hands above his head and tie him to my headboard. Then I'd work on his ankles.

I glanced down under the boy's desk where his jean-clad legs were crossed at the ankles. I wouldn't want to force that part, because it was the surrender that gave me the high I craved. I'd order him to spread his legs for me and he would, desperate for my touch and scared of what I'd do to him if he didn't obey. I'd tie his ankles so that they'd remain open.

My cock hardened. That was where the real fun began.

I eyed the boy in the front row, three desks in. He seemed like he'd be a spitfire. He was already glaring at the test I'd administered with the ferocity of a bear. He would definitely fight me.

It wouldn't matter, though. In the end, I'd tug his head back by that shoulder-length blonde hair of his that he clearly cared so much about. I'd press my tip to his lips and force my way inside, whether he wanted me or not. I'd come deep inside that warm, tight throat—

"Um, Professor Demos? I have a question on number three."

I blinked out of my lovely fantasy and glared at the dumb bitch in front of me. "Then it's likely you won't get it correct," I informed her.

She shifted her weight and gave me an uncertain look. It was likely that she was debating what to do; stay or leave. Fight or fly far, far away from her asshole chemistry teacher.

Finally, something set in her eyes and she raised her chin slightly. "I have a question about the ambiguity of it."

Good God, what kind of college student said the word 'ambiguous'? Yes, you're clearly extraordinarily intelligent, random student I don't care about. Please, take this trophy, you're amazing.

When I said nothing, she continued. "Are you expecting us to circle all the correct answers?"

"It's a multiple choice, there's one correct answer. When a silver ion and a chlorine ion react in water, the product is considered a what? There's one correct choice. Now please take a seat." You're killing my boner, little girl.

I refocused on the boy in the front row, three seats in. He was pretty skinny, in that way that athletic 20 year olds tended to have. I probably looked that way when I was 20, but now I'd built up enough muscle that my body was thick with it. I was a wall and this kid was a pole.

Mmm, a pole. The things his body could do on a pole. The things I could do to him up against a pole. Possibilities were endless.

It took all of my strength not to grab my leaking cock in front of all these undergrads. Part of my brain knew I should focus on killing my boner before class ended, but the rest of my brain was picturing front row, three seats in bent over my desk. His skinny little ass would look good if it were completely red.

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