~ O N E ~

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Ken Kaneki was preparing a coffee for a couple of customers when the door of the Anteiku opened with a tinkle of the bell.
"Good morning, how can I – Touka!" Kaneki smiled, but the girl glared at him, making him lose his good mood.
"Listen, Kaneki? Can I talk to you? " Touka raised an eyebrow towards the back of the bar.
"Sure." He became serious.
Paying attention to those around, Touka whispered to him something that made him laugh.

"I found another one like you."

"What? There are a lot of half-ghouls, Touka."
"No, I mean someone born human and became ghoul because of an accident."

"What?" Kaneki raised both eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes. She was attacked by a ghoul of the twenty-first when Nishiki found her. He killed the ghoul but didn't have time to save the girl because of the Doves and therefore Nishiki had to escape. The Doves took them and the girl had undergone an organ transplant and a blood transfusion because the ghoul had almost torn her to pieces. She was transplanted the ghoul's organs and she didn't notice anything. This happened a couple of months ago, and now she is a ghoul who calls herself Lust, as one of the Seven Deadly Sins. She's become a danger in the twenty-first and now she's moving towards the twentieth. The GCC has sent first-class investigators to kill her." Touka whispered to Kaneki.
"And do you know who was the ghoul that attacked her?"
"Who cares? Anyway, no I don't. "

"Now I have to go serve customers, but after that, we must look for her." Kaneki walked to the counter, where the kettle was already whistling madly.
"Onii-san? What happened? " Hinami pulled slightly on the sleeve of his shirt.
"Nothing, Hinami. Don't worry. " Kaneki smiled, preparing the coffee.
"He's just mulling over the fact that I found him a girlfriend." Touka slipped behind the counter and began to prepare some sandwiches.
"Really?" Hinami smiled.
"No, Hinami. And you, you'd better shut up!" Kaneki glared through the reflection on the kettle at the girl behind him, who he treated like a sister.
"You really look like siblings." Chuckled Nishiki.
"Shut up, Nishiki." Touka grumbled, annoyed.
"My turn is over, so I'm going back to Kimi. Bye~!" Nishiki ran out of the bar, laughing.
"Kono Baka." Growled Touka.
"Come on, he's not that bad." Kaneki laughed.
"Sure." Touka's tone took a sarcastic note.
Meanwhile, unbeknownst to them, a girl with platinum blond hair, almost the color of sunlight, was watching them from the window of the bar, then, with an evil smile, disappeared into thin air and reappeared on the roof of the building.

"So, Eyepatch and Rabbit want to look for me, huh?" She chuckled.

"Well, I'll give them some hard time." And so, she reappeared at the entrance of the bar.

Entering the bar, she smiled at Kaneki and saluted Touka, then knelt next to Hinami.
"Hello little one, what's your name?" She smiled kindly.


"Hello Hinami! But aren't you a little too small to work here?"

"No, my Onii-san and Nee-san are working here, so I'm here to help them." She smiled innocently, hugging both Kaneki and Touka for an instant.
"Hmm... All right! Could I have a black coffee please?" She winked at Kaneki, who blushed greatly.
"Stop it and make her coffee, you Baka." Grumbled Touka, nudging him.
He blushed even more, making the girl laugh.
"Excuse me, miss, what's your name?" Hinami looked closely at the blonde.

"Tsuki." She smiled at the girl.
"But... doesn't that mean Moon?" Hinami inclined her little head, confused.
"Yes, and hear this. My last name is Mitsuru, but if you write my name and my surname close
with ideographs, it reads 'Full moon'." Tsuki giggled.
"How beautiful..." Hinami was stunned.
"He-here's your coffee, Mitsuru-san." Stammered Kaneki.
"Oh, call me Tsuki. Here. " She handed him a piece of paper with a bright smile.
"That's my number. So you can contact me if you need it. I study at the Kamii University, even if not for a long time. I moved here from the twenty-first, it was too dangerous for my taste." The smile turned into a frown in a couple of seconds.
"Why?" Kaneki exchanged a glance with Touka.
"A new ghoul has arrived. Just appeared out of nowhere. She calls herself Lust, and kills mainly young college boys. That's what I heard around. I was afraid, so I decided to move. "
"From what I've heard, Lust is moving towards the twentieth." Touka carefully observed the blond-haired girl.
"Yes, but they say it will remain in the twenty-first. At least, that's what the GCC says. " Tsuki shrugged her shoulders.
She sipped the coffee slowly.
"It was really good, arigatou." She smiled, gently putting the cup back on the counter.
"It's nothing." Smiled Kaneki.
"Listen... Did you say you study at Kamii? " Kaneki called the girl before she left the bar.
"Yes, what is it?"
"Can you find a certain Hideyoshi Nagachika? Tell him Touka Kirishima wants to talk to him." Kaneki smiled at Touka, who glared at him with a killer gaze.
"Certainly. I'll tell him to come over after he's done. We have Foreign Literature and Calculus together." And with one last smile to Hinami and Touka, Tsuki sent a kiss to Kaneki, who blushed like a tomato.
"Kaneki? Earth to Kaneki?!" Touka waved a hand in front of the boy's face, who was still staring at the place where the blonde girl was standing just milliseconds before.
"Huh?" He shook his head.
"Looks like someone has taken a liking to a new girl~" Roma giggled.
"She looks human, though... You know it's impossible..." Hinami whispered.
"She's not human. I felt it. She's a ghoul..." Touka shook her head disapprovingly.
The clock stroke lunchtime and Touka got ready to go to Kamii University.

"See you later, Nee-san!" Hinami waved from the porch.

"See you, Hinami-Chan!" Touka smiled and ran to school.


First chapter done! 

Please read the description for explanation and disclaimer.

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