~ F I V E ~

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Tsuki looked up at those sapphire eyes that captivated her since the first time she's seen them.
"Ayato-kun?" She murmured, replacing her cheek on his chest.
The ghoul just hummed in response, half-asleep.
"What am I to you?" She whispered.
The boy's eyes shot wide open.
"Wha-what do you mean?" He managed to stutter out.
"What do you think of me, Ayato-kun?" Tsuki wrapped her arms around his torso.
"Tch. You really want to know?" Ayato clicked his tongue and looked at his best friend and long-time crush.
She just nodded, a light pink dust on her cheeks.
"Fine then. I guess it's time I tell you. Tsuki... I... I really like you... screw that, I love you. I have since that day in October last year, that day you appeared on the doorstep of the base and became an executor just like me, the day Tatara paired you with me, the day you told me you had a crush on someone..." Ayato's voice was vulnerable, but still he found the strength to look in those icy eyes that hypnotized him since the first time he looked in them.
Tsuki was flabbergasted. She just laid there, head on his chest, cuddling with him, until she lifted her head up once again and... kissed him... on the cheek.
"I love you too, Ayato Kirishima." She met his surprised gaze, and softly grinned at him.
He brought his arms around her waist, and kissed her forehead, then her nose, then both of her cheeks, and finally smashed his lips on hers.
Tsuki was surprised, to say the least, but kissed back immediately. Moments later, the door to their small 'apartment' in the Aogiri base was swung open by a certain giggly 'mummy' ghoul.
"Ayato-kun! Tsuki-Chan~! Guess wha- OH MY GHOUL!" Eto's cheery chirp transformed into a squeal once she saw the scene before her.
Ayato was laying on his back on the couch in the apartment living room, head on the armrest. Tsuki was on top of him, hands on his chest, and Ayato's arms were around her tiny waist protectively. And. They. Were. Kissing!
Well, not anymore. Tsuki was sitting up in Ayato's lap, who was glaring daggers at the ghoul before them.
"What do you want, Eto-san?" His voice, so soft and gentle before, was cold as ice and sharp as a knife.
"I... Nothing, Ayato-kun! I – uh – I was just leaving!" Eto scrambled out of the room as fast as inhumanly possible.
"Tch. Kono Baka." Ayato grumbled.
Tsuki just giggled.
"What're you laughing about, Tsuki-chan?" Ayato's voice turned soft again.
"You really are a Tsundere, Ayato-kun." Tsuke pecked his cheek.
"I may be, but I'm your Tsundere." Ayato grabbed her chin with one hand and pulled her face down enough to plant his lips on her again.
Breaking away, Tsuke giggled and made a disgusted expression.
"Eww, mushy Ayato. Gross~" She slapped his chest lightly.
"Be mine?" Ayato smirked.
"I thought you'd never ask." Tsuki planted a kiss on his cheek.
Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter, and sorry if Ayato is a bit OOC...

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