~ F O U R ~

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After the drama in the meeting room, Tsuki got to know everyone and eventually got together with Kaneki. Everyone accepted them, except for Touka, who still was a bit skeptical about their relationship.

A few months into the relationship Kaneki started to get distant, and even after all the times Tsuki asked him what was wrong, he said nothing.

So, she distanced herself too, from everyone. She suspected he was cheating on her, and she prepared herself for the day she would bust him. But she said nothing. Until one fateful day.

Tsuki was coming back from a hunt alone, all bloodied and full, content to go back home. Running up the stairs of the Anteiku, she walked to the room she and Kaneki shared to hear voices and sounds she didn't want to hear from inside.

Breathing deeply, she repeated the speech she prepared for this very day. And opened the door with a fake cheerful smile, only to see Kaneki kissing... Touka. Her cheerful smile dropped instantly, and she faked a gasp.

Hearing this, Kaneki broke away from the kiss and looked at her. Surprised, he jumped away from Touka instantly and stuttered to explain.

"Tsuki! I – I ... uh... It isn't what it looks like, Tsuki-chan!" Kaneki neared his girlfriend but got stopped by her kagune, a Bikaku with a huge sharp point.

"Don't come near me, Kaneki. Or I might do something I will regret and Touka will hate me for. Now let me speak and don't interrupt me. Got it?" Her left eye turned red and black, and she looked really pissed off.

Kaneki just nodded.

"I knew you were cheating on me, I suspected it. It hurt at first, but eventually, I realized that maybe coming to Anteiku wasn't the right choice. Maybe I should've left as soon as I woke up the morning after that night. Maybe I should've taken this decision before. What I came to say today was, actually, a goodbye to all. I'm breaking up with you, Kaneki. Voluntarily, I may add. I'm leaving Anteiku and I'm joining another group of ghouls. Guess who, Kaneki? I'm joining the Aogiri Tree." Tsuki smirked.

Kaneki just stood there gaping.

"Nothing to say, eh? Well, more time for me to talk. Eto-san convinced me to join Aogiri, and I finally accepted. I've already become an S rated ghoul, why not become an SS rated?" Tsuki grinned dangerously, and her kagune changed. Her tail was still there, but she now sported a kagune very similar to Kaneki's on her lower back. Kaneki's eyes widened

"Goodbye, Kaneki Ken. Touka-san, please take care of him, okay? I really wish you two the best of luck in your relationship, unlike me. Well, I must go now. See you around Tokyo, Rabbit and... One-eyed." Tsuke giggled at the last word, while Kaneki and Touka gasped.

"Ayato..." Touka whispered.

"What? I'm a big fan, what can I say?" Tsuke now had her cloak on her shoulders, hood off, and her mask was in her hand. Waving one last time, she put on her half face mask, which covered her eyes and pulled on her hood, jumping out of the window on the fire escape.

"Eto-san!" she called in a sing-song voice and giggled. Then, with a whiff of her long flowy cloak, she disappeared from the couple's view.

"What have I done..." Kaneki whispered, hugging Touka tightly.

"The right thing, Kaneki. You've done the right thing." Touka whispered, hugging him back.

Meanwhile, Lust was jumping from rooftop to rooftop with Eto, who was giggling all the time.

"Oh, you're gonna get welcomed by a few SS rated ghouls, by the way. One of them is your dear friend's brother, Ayato Kirishima." Eto giggled.

"Cool." Tsuke's voice was monotone.

"Cheer up! You've joined the coolest gang in Tokyo!" Eto turned around.

"You're right! And I get a chance at a new life!" Lust giggled and stopped right beside Eto, in front of the entrance to the building.

"Now to meet Tatara-kun and Ayato~" Eto sang while nudging Lust.

"Shut it, Eto. I broke up with my boyfriend today, no need to-" Tsuki started to get angry, but stopped as soon as Ayato appeared in the doorway. He was wearing his mask down, hanging on his neck, and his blue hair was tied up on the back of his head.

"Eto-san. Tatara-san is awaiting your presence. As for you, Lust... You're coming with me." Ayato winked, making Lust shiver and blush a little. Eto nodded her head quickly and skipped away.

'He's quite handsome... Even more than Kaneki... Maybe I can have him for myself in a bit...' She thought, smirking.

"Well hello, Kirishima Ayato. Nice to meet you too. Looking closely, you do resemble your sister, even though you're much more handsome..." She purred, slowly walking around Ayato.

"How do you know my full name?" Ayato tried to glare at Tsuke, but his eyes widened at her tinkling laugh.

"Oh, I merely know your sister. She actually made it easier for me to come here."

Ayato was confused.

"My boyfriend, Kaneki, or as you would call him, One-eyed, cheated on me with her. I expected it, so I wasn't that guilty about breaking up with him to join your gang." Lust's smirk turned into a frown.

"I knew Touka was trouble..." Ayato growled.

"Relax, I'm way over it. In fact, I already have my eyes set on someone." Tsuki giggled.

"Oh yeah? And who's that?" Ayato asked, smirking and raising a brow in a flirty manner.

Tsuki was behind him in a millisecond.

"Someone so handsome... I just can't take my eyes off him..." She whispered reaching up and untying his hair, which fell around his shoulders messily.

Ayato grabbed her, pinning her to the wall near the door and kicked the door shut.


Sorry for leaving you guys with a cliffhanger again, but you'll understand why in a couple of chapters...

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