~ S I X ~

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It's been a few months since the day Ayato confessed, and the Aogiri was planning an attack to a GCC base.

Tsuki was brushing her hair, humming quite a disturbing melody.

"Our names won't be remembered
If we die like trampled flowers
I refuse to be forgotten
Written off as less than worthless
Scream and cry but none will hear you
Plead and beg but none will save you~" She sang, tying it up into a tight secretary-style bun.

"You know, you've changed considerably since the first time I met you." Ayato entered the room with no shirt on, his lean build showing.

"Hmm? How so?" Tsuki turned around and wrapped her arms around his shoulders while gliding them up his abs.

"The first time we met, in the twenty-first ward, you were shy and reluctant to kill. You couldn't even fight properly that time, you weren't strong because of your hunger. I swear you tried to eat me that night!" Ayato chuckled.

"Hey! I've just been turned at that time!" She growled playfully and hit his chest.

"When I saw you that night at the doorstep with Eto, I thought I was dreaming. You looked like an angel in that flowy black cloak and those tight clothes." His tone turned from sweet and romantic to a sexy drawl.

"And when you walked behind me to untie my hair, I almost wanted to kiss you right there and then." He growled.

"I knew it!" Tsuki did a little victory dance.

Ayato chuckled at his girlfriend's antics.

A knock resounded in the room.

"Come on Tsukiyato! We're ready to go!" Eto giggled.

"Coming Eto-Chan!" Tsuki put on her converse shoes and clasped her cloak around her neck. She still wore her black cloak even though she was part of the Aogiri.

"Babe, what do you say you change alias?" Ayato walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and put his chin on the top of her head.

"Sure, but how?" Tsuki grabbed her mask, which was a plain black and wine-red half face mask.

"You fight someone, like me or Touka, or even One-eyed, fake lose, lose your mask 'accidentally' and escape." Ayato explained his little plan.

"Alright." Tsuki pecked his lips once more before exiting the room, now completely ready, Ayato exiting right after her while pulling his mask on the bottom of his face.

"You guys ready?" Eto asked, rolling on the balls of her feet.

"Yeah." The couple answered in unison.


Next is the battle!

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