~ N I N E ~

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Ayato stood in front of the mask and tattoo parlor, waiting for Tsuki to get her mask.

"Ready, Bakayato?" She purred in his ear, her hands snaking to wrap around his neck.

"I was born ready." Ayato spun around to wrap his arms around her waist.

"Let's go! Oh, I can't wait to rip into a body!" Tsuki giggled, pulling her boyfriend along.

They stopped in an alleyway to take off their masks and Tsuki's cloak.

"Back to normal, Baka." He growled playfully, pointing at her furry black ears.

"Aye!" She giggled and her cat ears retracted back into her head, her human ears appearing.

"Let's just go." Ayato's voice turned cold, and he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, we have to pose as a decent human couple!" Tsuki smacked his arm.

"Ow, woman! Don't be so violent!"

"Then let's go! And behave, Bakayato." Tsuki raised her arm in warning.

Ayato just clicked his tongue and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her into him.

She snuggled into his side, and they exited the alleyway, walking side by side on the sidewalk.

"Let's go have a coffee, Aya-Chan~!" Tsuki pulled him along to a coffee shop that she saw from afar.

"Tch, slow down, Baka!" Ayato pulled her back to slow her down.

When they entered the coffee shop, they immediately caught the waft of bittersweet coffee, mixed with the lingering smell of human flesh.

Ayato pulled her towards a secluded table in the back of the bar, sitting down across from her.

"What if we just kill everyone here?" Tsuki whispered.

"Too complicated, Baka. There'll always be someone who could escape and tell the GCC about us." Ayato growled under his breath.

"Then what?" She intertwined her fingers and placed her chin on top.

"We drink our coffee normally and go. Then we'll just lure humans into an alleyway or into an abandoned building and kill them."

A waiter walked up to their table, eyeing Tsuki lustfully. Noticing the look on the waiter's face, Ayato glared at him.

"Kon'nichiwa! How can I help you?" The waiter smiled widely at Tsuki.

"Hello! May we have two black coffees, no sugar, please?" Tsuki's smile was evidently fake.

"Of course!" The waiter smiled again, not getting the hint.

A few minutes after, he came back with two cups of coffee.

"Here you go! Do you need anything else?" The waiter grinned.

"Yes please. I need you to leave me alone, 'cause I'm taken." Tsuki's voice was flat and her face was emotionless.

The waiter said nothing, just gaped at her.

"What? Used to girls who throw themselves at you? Well not all of them are single, asshole." Ayato drawled.

The waiter just scoffed and walked away.

Drinking their coffee, a comfortable silence lingered around the couple for a while.

"Do you miss being a human?" Ayato mumbled into his cup softly, breaking the silence eventually.

"Honestly? No. Although I miss my family and friends, I don't miss being a human. I was weak and had absolutely no willpower."

"I remember seeing you the first days you became a ghoul. I could sense you were weak, so I let you live a little longer."

"Little did you know, that was a very important decision." Tsuki giggled.

"Yes, because now I'm a very lucky guy who has an amazing badass girlfriend."

"No, because you have a girlfriend who might save your ass one day." She giggled again.

"Hey, I'll let you know I'm much stronger than you."

While they were playfully bantering, they overheard a conversation between a group of girls.

"Did you hear? Lust moved into the twentieth and got killed by the Eyepatch ghoul."

"She's dead?"

"Yeah. Thank goodness, I was getting scared."

"You're right, we don't need any more ghouls."

"Little do they know, a new ghoul is in town." Tsuki smirked.


Last chapter TT~TT

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~ New girl in town ~ [Tokyo Ghoul FF}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora