~ T W O ~

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That same evening, Ken Kaneki was putting his mask on in the back of the bar and slipped out, waiting for Touka to appear nearby.
"Eyepatch~!" A loud feminine shriek interrupted his thoughts, and he quickly looked and sniffed around.
"Ghoul..." He quietly mouthed.
"Come out and show yourself." He growled, voice slightly metallic from his mask.

"Oh, I'm sure you've heard of me! Good evening, Sir Eyepatch!" A loud giggle escaped the mouth of the ghoul girl that gracefully dropped down from the roof of the Anteiku.
She was wearing obsidian colored clothes, that gave off purple hues when the light hit them, and a hooded cloak that hid her face except for her lips, stretched in a cocky grin, that were painted a dark wine red.
"Who are you?" Kaneki got into a fighting stance.
"Oh, don'tcha worry sweetie, I ain't gonna fight you!" The girl walked - more like sauntered - over to him.
"I repeat, who are you?" Kaneki was losing his patience.
"Fine~! I'm Lust, a new girl in town. Mind showing me 'round?" She whined at the first part, but then, with a wild grin, she trailed her sharp fingernails over his chest seductively.
"No." Kaneki's voice was cold, and he picked the ghoul from the ground with his kagune.
"I said I wouldn't hurt you..." The girl's body sagged in exasperation.
"I kill mainly to eat or to protect myself." She sighed.
"Why did you move to the twentieth?" Kaneki tightened his grip on her neck.
"I... wanted peace... and quiet..." The ghoul gasped for air.
She was dropped to the ground, and she struggled to regain her breath.
"I wanted a peaceful life... I wanted friends... I didn't choose the ghoul life..."
"What?" Kaneki furrowed his brows.
"Eyepatch! Why aren't you fighting Lust?" Touka stopped at Kaneki's side.
"She's not going to hurt us, Rabbit." Kaneki held his friend back as she tried to attack the girl sitting on the ground.
"What do you mean? She's dangerous." Touka tried to fight him, but Kaneki simply glowered in her direction.
"Now explain, Lust." Kaneki growled, crouching to the hooded girl's level.
"Listen, I wasn't always a ghoul, okay?! I was a mere girl walking down the street when a sick bastard attacked me! He tore me to pieces like a rag doll!" She started crying.
"I - I couldn't accept my new state... I only accepted it when I noticed I was slowly deteriorating from starvation... I devoured a boy from my school. Then I devoured more and more people... Until I wasn't hungry anymore... I - I..." She couldn't breathe properly anymore, she started full on sobbing desperately.
"Tch... Faker..." Touka clicked her tongue.
"I don't think she's faking it, Touka." He mumbled to the girl beside him, motioning to the hooded figure of the sobbing girl.
"Don't think I'm going to warm up to her, Baka." Touka grumbled.
"I think we should bring her to Anteiku." 


Sorry for the cliffhanger!
Chapter 3 coming up tomorrow!

~ New girl in town ~ [Tokyo Ghoul FF}Where stories live. Discover now