~ E I G H T ~

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Ayato was in the hospital side of the base... again. Ever since that horrifying day, he sat in the infirmary, waiting for her to wake up.

Just as any other day, he sat in a chair near her, and held her pale, cold, limp hand. Until he felt a squeeze.

Looking up startled, he saw her waking up.

She opened her eyes, then, groaning, closed them again.

"Too bright..." She lightly chuckled.

"You... you're awake!" Ayato's eyes brimmed with tears again.

She sat up and felt hungry as hell.

"Aya-Chan?" she asked.

"Yes, babe?" Her eyes widened. He never called her that.

"I'm hungry..." She looked down sheepishly.

"Wait here, I'm going to get something for you." He stood up and hugged her tightly.

"You have no idea how fucking worried I was... I thought you were going to die because of that motherfucker..." He whispered brokenly.

"Ayato... You're not going to get rid of me so easily..." She pecked his cheek, but he grabbed her chin and pulled her in a passionate yet soft kiss.

Pulling away, he kissed her forehead and ran away to get some food for his beloved.

"Mitsuru-san?" A doctor entered her room.

She hummed in response.

"You were transplanted a ghoul's heart, but since we couldn't find enough ghoul or human blood to make up for how much blood you've lost, we had to get our last resource: shapeshifter blood."

"You did WHAT?!" Ayato's roar rang out in the hospital wing, as he stood in the doorway.

"K-Kirishima-san!" The doctor bowed his head, scared.

"I repeat, what the fuck did you do to Tsuki?" The blue-haired Tsundere growled.

"We... we didn't have enough blood to make up for how much Mitsuru-san lost, so we had to use the shapeshifter blood..." The medic stuttered.

Ayato sighed heavily, but said nothing, walking to his girlfriend's bedside.

Pecking her lips, he sat on the bed beside her.

"How are you feeling?" He whispered gently, trying not to be heard by the doctor.

"I'm fine, Ayato. Just hungry." She eyed the bag Ayato was holding hungrily.

"Here." He smiled almost invisibly.

She ripped into the bag and almost devoured the flesh that was in it, remembering at the last moment to have manners.

When she ate the last piece, she licked her lips to clean up the blood.

"Mitsuru-san? If you're feeling fine enough to walk, you can leave." The doctor smiled gently and left the couple alone.

Tsuki swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, wobbling a bit.

"Hey, careful, Baka." Ayato's tone was back to his usual one.

"Tsundere brat." Tsuki playfully growled.

"OI!" Ayato's cheeks flushed in anger and he walked faster, leaving her behind.

"Oi, Bakayato! Wait up!" She staggered up to him, but tripped at the last moment, and closed her eyes, awaiting the hard impact. But the impact never came.

"Baka, I told you to be more careful." His voice was lower, but louder. She assumed he was right above her, talking in her ear.

He picked her up and slung her over his shoulder, making her squeal.

"Ayato~!" She giggled.

"Now you're not going to get hurt." He smirked, walking back to their 'apartment'.

Entering their living room, he threw her on the couch and pounced on her, starting a tickle war.

Tsuki squealed, laughing.

She yelled for Ayato to stop, but he kept mercilessly tickling her sides.

Suddenly, instead of a squeal, Tsuki meowed.

Ayato froze.

"What the fuck was that?" Ayato raised an eyebrow to the blushing Tsuki.

"I don't know!" Tsuki mumbled.

"You know what? When you were eating, I saw your pupils turn to slits, just like a cat." Ayato said thoughtfully.

"I think it's the shapeshifter blood." Tsuki sighed.

Ayato just nodded.

"My mask was shattered, so I need a new one. How about I just get a plain black mask and sew cat ears on the hood of my cloak? I'll be the Black Cat." Tsuki grinned softly, hugging her boyfriend, who stiffened in surprise.

"I'd like that. We'd be the Black Power Couple." Ayato grinned.

"It's not fair! You're a SSS rated ghoul, and I'm a SS rated..." Tsuki sniffled playfully.

"You can be a SSS rated, you just need to become more powerful. And I'll help you, Baka." Ayato said, standing up.

"First, we're gonna get that mask, then you're going to train. We're going on a killing spree, baby." Ayato smirked, pulling his mask up.

Purring, Tsuki activated her Bikaku and wrapped it coyly around Ayato's waist, him prying it off.

He grabbed her cloak and clasped it around her neck, since she still was dressed in black.

"Wait. To be a cat, I need something furry." Tsuki said.

"Your ears, Baka. Wait, you just need two holes, and you can shift into a cat." Ayato clicked his tongue.

Tsuki grinned and her Bikaku shifted to a more cat-like black tail, her human ears disappearing and black cat ears appearing on the top of her head.

"Now that's more like it." Ayato smirked, pulling her closer by the waist.

She leaned up, and placed a kiss on his lips, the pulled her hood up and ran out of the room.

"Hey, Baka, wait up!"

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