Cut to the Chase

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The vents were cold and stuffy, and I hardly had any clue where I was going. At first I followed a mental map I had of the place, starting from José. But I lost track of that quickly and soon was just blindly feeling my way through the dark air ducts, trying to make as little noise as possible.

After what seemed like an eternity, I turned a corner and looked up to see light shining through a grate about ten feet from where I was. I felt relief flood through my body as I shakily stood up and cursed myself for being so short.

I pressed my back to the metal vent wall, and my feet to the other side, lifting myself off the ground. Slowly, I began to inch my way upwards toward the grate, and after two near fall experiences, I reached the top. I pushed on the grate with one hand, but it wouldn't budge.

"Crap," I muttered, pressing my back harder into the inside of the vent and wincing as I brought both hands off the walls and above my head. I pushed hard, letting out a small grunt as the heavy hunk of metal shifted and I was able to push it to the side with much difficulty.

I clenched my teeth together and held my breath before taking the leap and suddenly shifting my position so my arms were grabbing into the ledge and my back was no longer against the wall. My feet remained in place and I shoved myself up so I could climb out of the grate.

Once out, I sat down on the grass and caught my breath as I looked around at my surroundings and tried to figure out where I was. The sunlight hit me hard and I realized that it was still midday; not the best time for an attempted escape but oh well. I wasn't entirely familiar with the road ahead of me, but upon standing up and turning around I saw that I was exactly where I needed to be.

The fence behind me was the one that circled around Wayne Manor. I had come out of a grate in the ground that had the name of some air condition company plastered on the side. It was fairly covered by leaves and dirt and wouldn't be noticed by anyone who hadn't come out of it like I had.

At first I was scared that Alfred would see me, but it appeared that I was at the back of the manor, where there was no garden to marvel at. The manor was as impressive from this side, just in a more brooding, towering sort of way.

My eyes caught a security camera attached to the back wall of the manor, masterfully hidden between the bricks. I threw it a two fingered salute and turned around, throwing my hood over my features and starting to silently walk away from the manor. My eyes scanned the rows of cars parallel parked along the road, and I decided on an old red and white Chevy truck that was scratched and had a busted side. I pulled out the butter knife that was in my right boot and jiggled it around in the door until it popped.

Still got it.

I opened the door and quietly hopped inside, picking up a large rock as I went. I used a smaller butter knife that just fit inside the keyhole and smashed it a couple of times with the rock until the truck sprang to life. The engine was old and it made a lot of noise, but then again, it was good for hiding in plain sight. It was large and bulky and Batman would never suspect me to go for such a loud truck.

I drove away slowly so as to not seem in a rush to prying eyes, also hoping that the owner of this truck wouldn't notice it was gone until later.

The clock read 3:37, and I was making good time. I tried not to get my hopes up as I flew threw Uptown Gotham, then Midtown. I knew the place like the back of my hand, but Batman somehow knew it better.


Robin was pacing the vast floor of the dark cave. His hands ran across his hair and his face was stuck somewhere between a scowl and a frown.

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