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I thought people would run away as soon as I started pulling out the f bomb and start yelling at people virtually :,>


When I woke up I was in a different room...again. 'Ugh, when will this ever stop damnit' I mentally asked myself. I stood up from my small little bed that at least had a pillow and a blanket and tried to stand up. I fell straight away, yep, not getting out of this place any time soon. I just laid there, waiting, for someone to come and help me. Soon I got annoyed, faster than I usually do. So I crawled slowly to the door and started pounding on it. Dunno why but I just hated waking up to be stuck in a hell hole. "Alright Alright, I'm coming! Be patient!" Said a man at the other side of the door. I slumped down into a laying position, allowing him to open the door. A little while later someone came in and picked me up. "PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN BEFORE I FUCKING STAB YOU! IM ARMED YOU KNOW!" I yelled at him, he just chuckled. "I'm glad you teleported to me, no one wants to be around that kind of anger." Said the man with a little bit of a chuckle at the end as well. "You sound gay as hell." I Said calming down gradually. "Ouch..that's a little harsh when you really think about it" He said while placing me back on the bed. "Well I can't think of anything because apparently I'm drunk." He got his clipboard off of the ground and flipped some pages on it. "No your just on benzodia, short for benzodiazepine. I just call it that because I can't remember the last part every time I want to." (Sorry I forgot about the font and I'm too lazy to re-write it)I look at him weirdly. "Bensofa what?" I ask. "Benzodiazepines, it helps to relive stress, you where rolling on the floor and screaming so I gave you some." I nodded my head and looked at the ceiling, it kinda looked like lava, god I'm tripping so much. "Does the ceiling look weird to you?" I nod slowly, memorized by the ceiling. "You hit your head pretty hard, might even got a concussion. So that means you can't go anywhere till everything's fixed up." I sigh in annoyance. "Great..I have to stay in this hell hole for the rest of my fucking days."

I'm tired as hell so I made it short...and I'm also too lazy

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