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Well fuck my life
I've been having an upset stomach for the past 24 hours. It's probably because I didn't even sleep for 2 days but eh
So uh now I'm scared that I'm gong to throw up at school because I have an anxiety problem about getting sick and mostly every girl on my mothers side of the family had stomach problems, now I have them to
So life is ok

No it's hell.
Friends are mad at me
Anger because I'm an edgy boi
So uh. I most likely will be sleeping for over 12 hours. Don't judge me. I'm not a sans and no I'm not Fell

And from my anxiety I talk about my shitty life to people that don't even know me. So I'm sorry if I made you depressed or broken inside, I just wanted to write this shit down. You can totally forget about this

Nah it's probably going to be in your head for the rest of your life but STILL
Ok so remind me someone somehow. Actually sleep because if you don't your self control will decrease and you will get sick
Alright goodbye

Oh and I wasn't pissed for that long about that cross book so I probably won't make it u TIL the end of this book EHHH idk

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