Chapter 2

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(Izuku's P.o.v)

No one seemed to be home right now so I immediately just told myself that Kacchan was out drinking. There was nothing left for me to do so I took my spot on the couch for the week. Yes, the couch. Kacchan kicked me out of the bed for the week heh... said I was taking up too much space.

I sit down and hug my knees up to my chest. Kacchan just plagues my mind. Everything is about Kacchan, I'm only allowed to think about Kacchan.

Kacchan doesn't love you

Please stop

Wasn't Kacchan the one to tell you to go kill yourself?

That was a long time ago

I spent that entire day on the roof,  asking myself should I just get it out of the way, and jump? Well, I sadly didn't. I brush my fingers through my hair as I lay on my side. Waiting for whatever beating Kacchan decides to give me.

***time skip***

I woke up when I heard the door open. I peeked over the couch and saw Kacchan. I were about to say something until I saw a girl with Kacchan. She had what looked like brown hair up in a bun. Kacchan was grinning at her(like how he used to grin at me..) and she was smiling. I curled back up on the couch feeling tears come to my eyes.  How could Kacchan... do this to me?

I close my eyes and bite my bottom lip as I hear them go upstairs. In Kacchan and I's bedroom. Wiping my face I close my eyes and try to go to sleep...


I still remember last night.  From the bar to that girl. I stand up and walk upstairs as carefully and quietly as I can.  I mumble Kacchan's name as I knock quietly. No response.

Opening the door I see the girl again. Her and Kacchan were smuggled together underneath the comforter. Just like Kacchan and I again. "Kacchan?" I say more clearly this time. I notice his eyes begin to open, and he looks at me. 

"Kacchan, who is she?" I started to tear up.

"Mhm... Katsuki?" The girl turned over.  "What's happening?"

Kacchan just stroked her hair oh so softly. And calmly.  Nothing he'd do for me anymore. "Just go back to sleep." His smile was just so beautiful.

I hated it

"No!" I clutch the comforter around the girl and grab her torso dragging her towards the door.

"What the hell Deku!" Kacchan rushed over to me and pulled me off of her, kicking and screaming. Like I was some child that didn't get their way.

"You deranged bitch!" He threw me to the floor.

"You..! You let her into our home,  Kacchan! How could you?!"

"You mean my home?! You don't even have a job! If it weren't for me you'd be living on the street you quirkless piece of shit!"

I layed there choking on tears. What Kacchan said was always true. I should've listened to that voice in my head, that's saying 'I told you so' right now.

Suddenly Kacchan grabbed me by my arm telling me to get up. I tried to scream no,  but my voice came out coarse and dry from my previous yelling. I saw that girl following us. I never have wanted to stab someone or something before. I guess this is a new experience. 

Kacchan threw me on the asphalt and spat on me. Just like that. I am thrown away. There's no point in continuing this makeshift life. At least I'll pay that bartender guy back before I go.

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