Chapter 5

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(Midoriya's p.o.v)

I had just finished wiping the counter when I heard the bell at the door ring. A woman in a black hoodie stepped in the door. I looked up and smiled as I spoke, "Welcome! How may I serve you today?" She slowly walked towards me with her eyes looking down. "Excuse me" I asked once again "Did you need anything?"

The woman looked up at me with eyes full of anger. I immediately recognized her face. It was that girl that.....that Kachann had brought back to our house. The girl that had.....taken him from me. I clenched my fists by my side, trying not to act out. I was getting ready to tell her to leave but before I could.....


The force of the blow made me fall back onto the shelves full of alcohol. I looked up and saw the girl smirking at me. She laughed, "That's payback you asshole!"

I growled at her. "Payback?!? I'm not the one who goes around town stealing people's guys!" The girl rolled her eyes "It didn't seem like he really liked you when he called you a.....what was it...A DERANGED BITCH!" That was the last straw. I hopped over the counter with a bottle of wine in my hand.

I swung the bottle at her head but she dodged the hit. She stuck her tongue out at me and sneered, "Oh I'm so scared" I could feel tears come to my eyes. This girl.....had ruined my life.....and now that I finally had the chance to get back at her....I could barely even fight, but I kept trying anyway. I could feel the profound hate building up inside of me. It was like a sudden surge of power....and I liked it.

I charged at her, swinging the bottle violently hitting her multiple times, but the final blow was when I hit her right across her back. I laughed at her as she collapsed to the floor wincing in pain. It felt so good to release all the anger I had had ever since Kachann started to change. It felt so good to just take it out on her. I nudged her with my foot... she didn't move. "Hey....are you okay?.." She gave no response. I shook her limp body. "Hey this isn't funny!! Wake u-" Her hand shot up and grabbed my neck, squeezing. I gasped for air but she just held on even tighter. I could feel my body getting weaker and weaker. "P.....please...l-let....go.." She just sat there glaring at me and tightening her grip. The light around me began to fade as my body was losing the last of it's oxygen. "" The last thing I remember is the jingle at the door and her finally letting me go.

{Todoroki's P.o.v}

I was on my way back from the store. It wasn't far from the bar, just a few miles. I left Midoriya to clean. Though I did have a bad feeling about this... and that feeling didn't settle once I heard glass breaking in my bar. Rushing inside I was surprised to see Midoriya being held by his neck by a brown haired girl in a hoodie. "You! Put him down or I call 9-1-1 right now!" I yelled.

The girl gasped slightly letting go of Midoriya's neck. I ran over to him and looked at the purple hand marks littering his neck. I then glared at the girl. "What do you think you're doing?!" I yelled.

She flinched her hazel eyes widening. I noticed that Midoriya had passed out. "What happened?" I asked.

"H-he all of a sudden slapped m-me! I tried to fight back, but he grabbed those wine bottles that feel from that shelf and be-began to hit me!" She began to cry... I could tell her tears were fake. "He went on and on ab-about my boyfriend belonging to h-him! It was outrages! I will press charges!"

"Charges on what? Assault? Stalking? He did nothing wrong... and I know all about you and your boyfriend. Your boyfriend who abused Midoriya daily! Just to get his anger and frustration out! And you're okay with that? You deranged bitch...." I sneered.

She scoffed and stood up. "How- how dare you call me that! Katsuki won't stand for it! I won't take that tone from some owner of a bar!"

This chick was getting annoying as hell... I sigh mentally. "I have more money than you think. Now get out!" I pointed towards the door.

She glared at me, then at Midoriya. I heard her mumble something along the line of enjoy your whore... as she walked away. I'm glad she's gone. I look down at Midoriya. He's really out-cold...

I pick the boy up and take him upstairs and lay him on the couch. Some aloe Vera will help his bruises. I go into my bathroom and take out a jar and bring it to the room with Midoriya. Taking two fingers I lightly apply the cream to his neck. She must've had a tight grip...

Another sigh for today. I pet the green curls and go off to my own room.

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