Chapter 3

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I opened the door to the bar hearing the small bell ring. "Uh... Todoroki-san?" I called out. He wasn't here. I sigh as I begin to walk away, until I feel a hand on my shoulder.


I looked over my shoulder at the bi-colored man. His eyes... they're so interesting. One blue and one gray. "I'm sorry for the other night, sir. I-I had to get home!" I scurried in my pockets and  pulled out a twenty and five dollar bill. "Please, take it!" I shoved the money towards him.

"I'll only be needing the five." He took it and put it in a pocket on his apron. "Why are you at a bar so early, Midoriya-san?"

I looked down slightly.

If it weren't for me you'd be living on the street you quirkless piece of shit!

Yeah, that's right, Kacchan. You won't have to deal with me after this.

I gave him a fake smile. "I was leaving in a few and I just wanted to pay you back."

His mouth formed a perfect 'o' as he went over to his counter.
"If you have enough time before your trip, would you like to have a drink?"

"Uh, sure." I sat on a stool as Todoroki slid me a drink.

"Where are you going?"

The question had me stuck. Where was I... going? Far, far away from the hellhole I call life. Maybe not so much. I will just make up a quick lie... "...Visiting an old friend." I say.

Todoroki doesn't say anything as he pulls up a chair on the opposite side of me. "Where?"

I gave him a dull look. "You never seemed like the type to ask all these kinds of personal questions."
He shrugged as he stood up. "Well, wherever you're going I hope that you enjoy."

Oh I will.

"Thanks." I finish my drink. "Oh, and for the drink too." He nods.

I take my leave.

Finally, I have that off my chest. Though he was asking a lot of questions. I'll just ignore it. Not like it's gonna matter in a while.

I don't want my death to be flashy. Just alone and quiet. No one interfering. Maybe I'll go over to the abandoned side of town, and find a nice, tall building, and jump off. Yep, sounds good. I smile to myself, "I won't have anyone take pity on me. I won't let Kacchan see. It'll be clean and-- well- except for the blood-- it's not like I want people to take pity on a quirkless price of shit like me." I'm not ashamed of my mumbling today.

I start to make my way to an abandoned building that I might go to to get away from Kacchan, but today its purpose will be bigger. I make my way up the stairs that curved around the outside of the charred building and soon get to the roof. I inhale as the air blows on my face. This is it. The end. I'm finally going to free the world and Kacchan from my chains. All I can think is how useless I am at this moment.

I sigh as I take off my shoes and step on the edge of the building. I didn't even realize that I was crying. "Stu-stupid Deku! Quit crying!" I rubbed my eyes furiously. I bet my eyes are really puffy now...

"What are you doing up here?"

I turn around, but too fast, and I feel myself slip. Well, looks like I couldn't have a clean death. I caused this person trouble by just by slipping.

--(No ones p.o.v)--

Todoroki sighed as the boy left. Something wasn't right. He decided to follow him as soon as he left. He heard Midoriya talking to himself, plans on... dying. He didn't want a flashy death, who is Kacchan, and he was quirkless? All this was new to Todoroki. He followed the boy into the abandoned side of town and up the stairs onto the roof.

"What are you doing up here?"

Midoriya spun around quickly, slipping. Todoroki panicked and used his right side to swiftly create an ice platform before Midoriya could fall any further down. He walked over and looked at him. Midoriya was out cold, he must have fainted from the shock.

Todoroki picked him up bridal style and carried him back to the bar.

(At the bar)

Todoroki layed the boy on the couch. He was still out-cold and his face was a reddish color. Probably from crying, Todoroki thought. Todoroki layed Midoriya's shoes in front of the couch for when he woke up. He had a bar to run for now. He left a note for Midoriya when he woke up.

***Time akip***

Midoriya woke up a few hours later rubbing his eyes. He certainly wasn't at the house with Kacchan, so where was he? Midoriya sat up and a note caught his eye.

Please come downstairs. We should talk.

Midoriya got off the couch barefoot and walked down carpeted stairs. The bar..? Todoroki-san... he had to have followed me, Midoriya walked over to the man looking quite confused.

Todoroki looked at Midoriya with a stoic face. "You never answered my question." He said.

"Uh-uh... you shouldn't have been fo-following me in the first place..."

"If I remember correctly, you were planning to kill yourself. You didn't want a flashy death. And who is Kacchan?"

Midoriya swallowed. "I-- Kacchan..." he began to cry.

"I see." Todoroki turned away.

"I'm sorry I bothered you, mister... please, just let me go--"

"You've done nothing wrong by being quirkless. You're not useless." Todoroki crossed his arms. "I just want you to tell me what made you want to kill yourself."

Midoriya looked away as well.

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