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"Their smiles are lies. Most smiles are."
― Kiersten White, Mind Games

"YOU DID WHAT?!" My younger sister screamed as she sat on the kitchen bench stool next to Lyla.

"Mhmm," Lyla continued, "then Cheryl tried to kick me off too but I quit too."

I laughed at Gracie's face. Her jaw seemed to reach the floor. I was making the three of us chicken wraps as we were all shit talking on school and people.

"You're telling me that you both quit the River Vixens?" Gracie said her brows raised abnormally high.

"Yup," I said, folding the wraps.

"Your mom," Gracie pointed at Lyla, "is gonna kill you."

Between the two of us, Lyla had done more damage than me. Lyla's mom's side of the family had cheerleader blood and everybody knew it. Lyla's ancestor was the founding cheer-captain of River Vixens. Since then, every girl in her family had been a cheerleader.

"I know," Lyla said but in the carefree attitude that only she had.

Gracie then looked at me, "And you, young lady-"

"Oh my god, Gracie shut up," I laughed at her while finally handing her and Lyla their wraps.

"Lyla, I've missed you," Gracie said, leaning her head against Lyla's shoulder as she ate her chicken wrap. "Gwen's been driving me crazy without you, Reg and Richie."

"Don't be a drama queen, Gracie," I scolded her.

"I missed you too Little G," Lyla said, leaning her head against the top of Gracie's head, the two of them ignoring my presence.

I rolled my eyes at the pair as the doorbell rang.

I opened the door, a big smile forming on my lips at the two boys standing there. It was a surprise but a most welcome surprise.

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