viii: deal

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"Unreal friendship may turn to real 
But real friendship, once ended, cannot be mended."
— T.S. Eliot, Murder in the Cathedral


I felt something poke my cheek as I groaned, rolling over in my bed.

"Gwennnn, wake up!"

"Go away," I mumbled.

"I'm not pouring water on her Reggie, I value my life."

I opened eyes slowly to see my sister sitting on the edge of my bed, my phone pressed against her face.

"Phone," I said, stretching my hand out, still half asleep.

Gracie handed me my phone saying, "It's been ringing all morning but you wouldn't wake up so I answered it."

I took the phone and gestured for her to go to which she rolled her eyes and left.

"What do you want?" I drawled, closing my eyes as I lazily held my phone against my ear.

"So get this, I, me, Reggie, was just taken into the office by Sheriff Keller and he started grilling me about Jason saying all this shit about boys being boys and telling me he'll look after me and make sure nothing happens as if I'm the one that killed him! Me!" Reggie's voice broke, his voice going high at the end.

My eyes opened wide at what he said, my amusement levels shooting to the ceiling. "What?"

"I know! Like come on, dude, Jason was our winning ticket to a championship."

CURSED HEARTS  / riverdaleWhere stories live. Discover now