Chapter 1

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Geoff's POV


"Ryan is that you?!" I said looking at the winged creature just visable

"Geoff! What are you doing out so late? Its just past midnight."

"Well, that depends what are you doing? Oh and nice wings dude."

"Hm? Oh well i guess the big serects out.. Im a vampire."

"As am i, Griffion and Millie."

"Wow. Thats great, can you just do me a favor and not tell the others.

"The others dont even no im a vampire, so why would i tell them that you are?

"Good point. Well ill see you tomorrow Geoff." Ryan said just before he ran off and flew into the sky to fly home.


Michaels POV


I was flying home when i saw Ryan and Geoff talking, so i landed then transformed into what mortals look like and found a place to hide. So they are vampires, interseting. Not suprised about Ryan because he always seems blood thirsty, they way he kills in GTA V proves it. Well, now that im home, i might as well text them to let them know that i know.

Hey Geoff, Hey Ryan. I know your secert. M~

What serect?! R~

Yea what are you talking about Michael?! G~

I know you two are vampires, i heard you guys talking. But its alright im a darkling, how do u think i do all those rage quits without having a heart attack? M~

I have no words for this. G~

Yea i dont have words for this either. R~

Wow. Oh dont worry i wont tell anyone. Night guys. M~

And with that i turned off my phone and went to bed.

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