Chapter 6

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The guys walked backed in right before i broke the kiss, Geoff and Jack said aww, and Ray and Ryan just looked at each other and kissed. After that everyone filled Gavin in on what he missed.

~Gavins POV~

Weeks pasted since i got home from england and Michael and i got back toghter. After heard that Jack helped Michael feel better he when texted me that we were over i thought that that was the being of the end, i was dead wrong. Now Michael, Ryan, Geoff, and sometimes Ray, to back up Ryan, have been attacking Jack, never in lets plays though because none of them want the fans to know that they are supernaturals. I always try to stop it before it starts but this time i wasnt there to stop it soon enough, Micheal got hurt.

I heard yelling in kitchen, right away i knew what was going on. I got to the kitchen in two seconds thanks to super speed of vampires. The whole company was in the kitchen it seemed like, after i finily got through everyone i saw Michael on the floor with a black eye it looked like hes arm was bleeding. Then i saw ray, ryan, and geoff ganging up in Jack for hurting Michael, i ran over and unlike everyone else i was able to pill them apart and got michael up and put one of hes arms around my shoulders so i can hold him up.

"Back the achievement hunter office now! Everyone else go back to what ever you where doing before ill take care of this!" I yelled and everyone did as they where told.

Back at the office i helped Michael sit down and put a really big bandage in hes arm to stop the bleeding ill clean it out later.

"What the fuck happened! And dont give a bullshit exuse!" I yelled everyone seemed suprised. This is the first time ever that i, Gavin David Free, took charge or a leadership like postion, no one knew what to say. "Well is someone going to answer my question or am i going to have to question you guys one by one." Agein no one answered. "Well the one by one it is, Ray, why were you attacking Jack, was it because you fience told you to and your scared of what he might do if you didnt listen?

"I-i did it because he hurt Michael." Ray said

"Is that the real reason X-Ray? I cant stop the war if i dont have all the details on what happened today."

"N-no its not the real reason." I was very shocked when i heard this, then i looked over to ryan he was giving him the scariest glare, like im going to kill you when we get home. "I attacked him because Ryan said to help him and Geoff, jack was stronger then they though he was. I wanted to help Michael and clean out the cut, but Ryan yelled at me to help him, or he would hurt me when we got home." I was shocked to hear this, everyone looked over at Ryan, the person he said he loves and would die for he would threaten to hurt?

"Ryan, is this true?" Questioning Ryan would be harder but i could tell Ray was telling the truth he was going to cry.

"Y-yes, i was so mad at Jack, he made fun vampires and how the idea of them is stupid, i didnt know what to do, Michael stuck up for the vampire and i guess Jack lost it and attacked Michael, Geoff and i got him off and when i realized he was to much for us, mostly because i wasnt thinking stright so i threatened him, i sorry Ray i didnt mean to." Ray didnt look at him.

"Jack that is extremely unlike you, your the calm and collected one, what was going through your head?" I questioned

"I couldnt take it anymore, im the only angel in Achievement Hunter, you dont understand what its like to be working with darklings and vampires, they hate what i am!"

"I didnt hate you Jack, right now i do look what you did to me! I cant move my arm! I want this war to over i thought we were friends! You said it your self we were friends first and friend help to make sure their friends are ok. Well that was bull shit." Micheal said

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