Chapter 4

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~Rays POV~

"Ryan. Turn me into a vampire now, so that way i will be up and ready for work Wednsday."

"Fine. Are you sure you want to do this." Ryan said bring me in into his arms.

"Yes, ill be fine love dont worry." I said leaning in to kiss him and with that he bit my neck, i was able to feel the venimom flow into my vains, last thing i remeber hearing is "Ray go to sleep it will help with pain, i love you." Then i fell into a deep sleep.

~Geoffs POV~

Anther day of work. Not going to be much to do sence Ray AND Ryan are out, wonder why Michael tell me they arent coming in. Meh ill ask him when i get to work.

"Bye Love, im leaving for work now." I said kissing my beutiful wife griffon good bye.

-at work-

Yet agein im the first one in the office, probably because i unlock the door everyday. I set up my stuff like i always do getting ready for what will mostly likely be a full day of editing. Soon I see Michael and Gavin come in holding hands but when they see i saw them they quickly let go.

"Michael i have a two questions for you." I said turning around in my chair.

"Shoot." He said sitting down.

"One, why did YOU call in Ray and Ryan absent, two why were you holding Gavins hand?" I said after a took a sip if coffee.

"To answer for first questiom, drama, thats all i can say they will tell you the story when they are ready, and to answer your second question, cant i hold my boyfriend hand? Dont worry it wont effect our work." Michael said kissing Gavins cheek. Gavins face turned red and i just laughed.

"Oh Geoff." Michael said now sounding serius.

"Whats up Micheal?" I said somewhat worryed. Michaels usally never like this.

"Gavin hes-" micheal was cut off by sound of the door opening. Jack just came in.

"Ill tell you later Geoff." Michael said turning around putting hes head phones on to begein to edit a rage quit he did yesterday.

"Did I interupt somthing?" Jack said a little annyoed. Everyone in the achievement hunter is very close. Gavins like my son as is michael and ray, mostly Gavin though because he lives with me. Ryan and Jack are like brothers. We are all a big family, we tell each other almost everything.

"Nah. Everything fines Jack." I said turning to do my own work.

Jack said somthing under is breathe somthing i didnt catch. All i heard was vampires and darklings. "Something wrong Jack?"

"Nah. Everythings fine Geoff." At this point Michael and Gavin realized what was going on and Michael butted in.

"Jack whats your problem?" Michael said obvisaly pissed off.

"Micool calm down. Im sure everything is fine like they said." Gavin said trying to calm down Michael.

"Gavin whh are you defending this-this Darkling! You know us angels and darklings dont get along." Jack said trying to get Gavin on his side. Gavin didnt react he just locked the door and pulled the blinds down on the windows so no one can get in or see in its like he know Michael was going to explode. And he did.

"What did you say?" Micheals eyes are now completely black, and Gavin is holding him back so he doesnt completely lose it.

"Gavin whats wrong with you why are you on his side?!" Jack asked angrly.

"Does it matter Jack? I know why hes doing it. And he has a good reason." I said standing getting ready to tell him just to leave for the day and we will talk when we can go somewhere more private.

Now that i think of it if Gavin really is an angel then he and Michael cant be toghter. Then i cought a glips of he eye, ones red like a vampires the other is blue like an angels, now i understand hes the one to stop this fucking war. Then Burnie came and unlocked the door, half the company is out there.

"What the fuck is going on here?! Why are you all yelling?" Burnie said worryed and angryly

"Its ok Burnie i was just about to tell these three to get back to work. Ill explain everything that must happened here in your office, Gavin, your in charge till i get back make sure michael doesnt kill Jack." I said walking out to go with burnie to hes office. Once i got there i explained everything to him, hes a vampire he was turned by force when he was young. He understod and let it go.

~Ryans POV~

Its now 12:30pm Rays sleeping peacefully which is good, the transformstion from mortal to vampire seems to be going smoothly hes fangs came fine and hes wings are almost full size, once they are he should wake up. About to make myself lunch when i got a call from Michael.

"Hey ryan we are going out to get lunch want to come?" M~

"Uhh why not. But i may have to leave if Ray calls. Hes sleeping right now but im going to leave him a note saying to call me if he wakes." R~

"Why is he still sleeping? Did you really you know?" M~

"I didnt want to he forced he basicly forced me, i think i know hes reason though and i dont blame him if its was the other way around i would want it to." R~

"Oh yea i see what you mean. Oh its just going to be Gavy, Geoff, you and I, Jack doesnt want to be around us that much. Ill explain lunch." M~

"Ok. Ill see you soon. Bye" R~

-at the resteraunt-

I guess Michael didnt tell Geoff i was coming because when he saw me he asked why i was able to come to lunch but not to work so i just said "oh uhmm because i stayed with Ray last night to take care of him, he was asleep i left hes uhh under the weather." Wasnt sure waht to say so i just made that up.

"Bull. When i asked Michael why he called you two all he say is drama, what the hell is going!" Geoff said

"Ill tell you when Ray wakes up and says i can tell you guys. Oh whats going on with Jack."

Geoff explained what happened and that he was going to tell him to go home for the day but there was work to be done and he couldnt do that because the fans would want answers as to why he left. After he explained we had a nice lunch Michael and Gavin kissed twice Geoff was ready to barf, it didnt bother me because if Ray was here i would want to kiss him to or at least fight the want to because only Michael and Gavin know. I gave my share of the money to Geoff when i got a call from Ray, he was awake and fine he said nothing hurt, i didnt care i was going to rush home.

"Sorry to leave on such short notice but that was Ray hes awake and im going to stop at Wendys to bring him food and double cheak to see if hes ok. Bye see you at work tomorrow." And with that i did what i said i was going to do. When i got home i found Ray in vampire form watching TV. The first thing i did when i walked in the door was put the food down so i can go over and kiss the love of life.

"Hey love." He said smiling after we broke the kiss. "Is that Wendys?"

"Yep i got it just for you." I said handing him the Wendys bag

"What did you eat?"

"Michael, Gavin, Geoff and i went to a resteraunt" i then explain what happened between the guys at work. Ray was shocked. Quickly wanting to change the topic i said "well you need to learn how to use your powers." So i tought how to use them he learned every fast. After that we ate dinner and played some vidoe games.

At about 8:30 Ray turned off the TV and xbox and just smiled at me, i knew exactly what he wanted, i gave it to him, for i wanted it just as much as he did.

Supernatural (Mavin and R&R connection)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt